What’s eatin’?

Sunday: Chicken teriyaki stir fry (carrots, green pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, and basmati rice)
Monday: Pork Chops (on sale at Sobeys!), with roasted red potatoes, and carrots
Tuesday:  Foil pack dinner (if this turns out well, I’ll feature it on my recipe page)
Wednesday: Quesadillas
Thursday: Tacos
Friday: Chicken nuggets (hey, a girls’ gotta have a break from cooking sometimes)
Saturday: Honey Mustard Chicken (recipe)

And not to have this post all boring and about food. I think I forgot to post a photo of my purchases after I mentioned them in a blog post. So here we have’em:


Careful with enlarging them. They’re friggen huge. I decided to just copy them over from my Flickr page. I was lazy and didn’t want to resize them.


I have no shame. You all can see my newly purchased undies. Whatever. They’re microfibre and I want to spend all my monies on them. They’re so soft and comfortable, and don’t leave a panty line! I am super confused with VS’s sizing. I have everything ranging from XS to Med. in their undies. I had to return three pairs of small’s and exchange them for mediums, that still look incredibly tiny on my butt. I shop at aerie stores all the time for regular underwear and I always buy smalls and they’re always the same fit/size each time. Why fool with me, Victoria Secret… why?

Then I headed to BBW where I picked up some much needed smelly ahnd soaps. Mmmm. Can you guess what everyone’s getting for Christmas!?

4015029905_2596966932_oI picked up a christmasy/winter nail file because I’ve recently became obsessed with filing my nails rather than clipping them. 3 hand soaps (Frosted Orange Spice which I think is just a holiday scent, Wild Honey Suckle — a regular in this household, and Sea Island Cotton which has a very fresh scent) and with a purchase over $10 I got to pick up a hand cream for free. I think I picked up Sea Island Cotton. On the bottom you’ll see a lip balm (which is so retarded. I should have tried this on anything other than my hands before purchasing it. But it comes out very shimmery and GOLD on your lips. It’s a bit insane, and a total waste of $7.50. Lastly, I purchased some hand sanitizer in wild honey suckle.  I can’t stop smelling my hands after I apply this. Mmm so good. I need to go back and get some more deals before they stop having their grand opening sale (Buy 3 get 2 free, or Buy 2 get 1 free). I know my Mom would love some of their bath scents…

What are your favorite things from Bath and Body works, or even Victoria Secret PINK line?

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Eat your veggies

When making supper an I have to choose a green veg, I usually opt for the boyfriend’s favorite: broccoli, rather than my personal favorite ASPARAGUS!

However. I have a little pet  peeve with greens. I usually place the broccoli crowns chopped up nicely in a bowl with maybe 2tbsps of water, cover with saran wrap and nuke them until they’re a bit cooked but still a tiny bit crunchy. But! When I put them on the plate to serve supper they get cold within minutes. I cannot bear to eat cold broccoli and I usually pawn off my leftovers to the Boyfriends plate.

How do you keep broccoli warm longer than 2 minutes, while the mashed potatoes and carrots are still super toasty? It’s very annoying!

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About nothing in particular

Our local mall was in renovations for the last 8 months or so, and from October 15—17 they’re having a grand opening of a … “hallway” of stores(?) Hey, it’s Friday so I’m allowed to have brain-freezes. What I was most excited for was Bath & Body Works, and Victoria Secret PINK! And guess what, I drove there.

I left after supper so only (lol)  had two hours to check out all the new wonderful stores. I spent most of my time in the two mentioned, but what I was also excited to see was a Teaopia.  I’m not a huge fan of tea, mainly because I tend to sweeten it too much for myself.

I would show you the purchases that I got, but I forgot to e-mail them to myself last night. If you’re a flickr friend you can view them on there. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait til tomorrow. Sad loss, I know.

During lunch I have to take my car (HEHEHEHE!!!) to get a drive safe test done. It’s not that far away from work, and apparently it only takes 30 minutes + $35 to do it. Not bad. I mean, it’s necessary as I still only have a temp sticker on my license plates (10 days max). So I need the emissions test done before I get an “October 2010” sticker from the moto vehicle registration office.

I don’t really have much to talk about today. 

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