Pampered Chef and some tunes

-[Click here]- to view the photos, and a video of the Ian Foster Band. (My favorite song) I will probably upload one song at a time, as they are big files, and don’t want to use up all of ep1phanys bandwith.

In about an hour, I’m heading over to Johannas and eating all her food. She’s having a Pampered Chef party. I’m starved, and I can’t wait to try out the new dishes. I hope I’ll be interested in buying something there. I’ve never been to one of these parties before. Then we’re heading off to the good ol’ St. John’s Maple Leafs hockey game. I haven’t been to a hockey game in about 4 years! It’ll be great fun. YAY.

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Working out!

Mmmm I just finished supper. I love lasagna – sometimes. I worked out today, with Stefanie, a girl who’s in my Graphic Design class with me. Man, I’m addicted to working out now, it’s great. I go like 3-4 times a week. I should buy a membership shortly, because it costs $5 to get in, each time. We’re going again tomorrow morning, because today we could only work out for 50minutes-ish. I love having a workout buddy. I mean, we don’t stick together or anything, we always do different stuff, I just feel better, knowing I can go over to someone, and talk to them… then go back to working out. I feel weird going by myself. But I’m going to have to soon, she’ll be going home for Christmas (She’s not from town). I’m going to a movie tonight with Stef and a few friends. Not sure what I’m going to see. I don’t even care what movie it is. I’m just in the mood to watch any movie at all. I’m on midterm break right now, it’s awesome in a way. But my teachers gave me 4 assignments to do, for next week. So I only get a break from waking up early. Boo.

Apparently, I have to get my wisdom teeth out! There’s one coming down, and it’s on the upper right hand side of my mouth, it hasn’t moved in about a month. Which isn’t good, said my Dentist. Also, the pain in my tooth I’ve had since I went to him before, was also from a wisdom tooth, just banging against my ligament underneath my tooth. Bah!!! I asked him if I’ll be put to sleep, but I’m only going to be sedated. He said he’d recommend me to his ‘surgeon’ friend Dr. Crane himself, but I have to wait til that Doctor calls me with an appointment. I wonder how long it’ll take?

I’m going to Ireland next summer. My brother was supposed to get married over here in Newfoundland, this coming summer. But he can’t afford to bring his fiance and her two kids over. So, we’re all heading over there. I think I’ll stay longer than my parents will, just because. I’m not really excited yet. I’m sure I will be soon. Especially standing in the wedding. That should be crazy.

I didn’t have a very good day yesterday. I’m totally missing all my friends who’ve moved away recently. It sucks going everywhere by yourself. I mean, yes I have friends that I can hang out with and go places with. But I can’t just drop by Jenna, or Trev’s house anymore and just hang out. It blows, and I can’t wait til both of them come home, for a little while after Christmas.

There’s a bouldering comp at the climbing gym at the end of the month. Should be fun. I love the feeling I get while I’m at a competition. My heart just nearly pounds out of my chest from the adrenaline rush I always get from it. Whooo wee.

Oh yeah, you all should go to Mike Rawls website. He’s a singer, from Florida. I just found out about him. I never knew he was a singer, cause I’m an idiot, and thought it was someone else singing. He sings kind of like John Mayer. Really soft and mellow. I love his music. On the main page, you can listen to his music. Click ‘er and giv’er biccies. I listen to it before bed sometimes. Sooo nice. Wow, long entry. Lates!

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Doot de doo

So tomorrow, my Mom wants me to take the car to the garage, to get some winter tires on. There’s no snow on the ground, it all melted with the 300 days of rain we just had. Tomorrow, I’ve got class til 10:30am, and then I’m heading to the University gym, with my workout buddy – Stef. I’m going to try and go longer on the treadmill this time. I usually do a light jog for 10 minutes, and then close to a sprint, for 12 minutes after. Lets see if I can keep that up, and bump it up to 15. Never wear a grey shirt to a gym. HAH. Gross. Then tomorrow night, I’m heading out with my buddy Johanna, to watch a show downtown. I think it’ll be a fun time. It’s too bad they don’t have any CDs available yet, their music is amazing.

School’s been going pretty well. Anytime I get lower than a 90, I think I sucked at my project, it’s funny. Our class is really competitive, in a good way, so we’re all pushing to do our best. Our teachers said that everyone is so good, that the College is going to get mad about our teachers giving out all A’s. It’s funny.

I’ve got a midterm break next week. But lets just call it a 3/4 semester break. I’ve only got one month of classes left, then as soon as they’re over, i’ve got bam! 5 finals in a row. Some are practical tests, so it won’t be too bad. Aye aye. This semester is flying by. Soon I’ll be graduated :p I was thinking of flying up to Nova Scotia to visit Trev, during my break. But i’ve been foolishly spending my money on useless things. So, that won’t be happening. Trevor, I’ll see you New Years. We’ll party hard then. (Especially with my $80!) :)

Oh yeah, by the way. Here in Newfoundland, we have a Mardi Gras, during Halloween. Everyone dresses up, and goes downtown… lots of drinkin’ on George. But I didn’t end up going the night everyone dressed up. I was going to go as a GI Joe girl, but didn’t. Boo. Anyhoo, bye folks.

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