Voluntary anguish

Before I start watch this CrossFit video. My hands are sweating just watching it. I’m sooo glad Ta and J got me involved! I watched the girls last night at their 7pm class while I was waiting for my 8pm one to start. The girls got some crazy muscles going on, and my jaw literally was open and dropped when I watched T lift weights heavier than she was. I had to stop looking because I think I was making her laugh with my jaw dropped. lol.

INSANE, right!!!?????? LOVE IT.

Two guys run the business so the second crossfit class I went to, I had the other guy. Let me tell you, they certainly know how to push you. The guy this time was super hilarious and swore. Which usually catches me off guard. I mean, I’m used to it since my Boyfriend swears a lot… but this guy was explaining the wrong and right way to do this push press and said “It’ll effin’ hurt if you don’t do it like this.” I laughed a bit too hard sometimes. Oops.

How it works.

You only work with what you can. For instance, while he was showing us the proper technique he  got me to lift a plain plastic PVC bar (weight = 0lbs) to get the momentum of the movement I was about to do with the “PUSH PRESS”. Next I went to a 15lb bar just to see what the weight was like, do a few reps of those, and then bam—up to a 35lb bar. I found it uncomfortable and a bit difficult to push out 3 pushes above my head. Sorry, I have no idea what the technical terms are at this point.

Push press
(Huh, weird we weren’t told to bend our legs)

I got the 15lb bar back with some added weight. I didn’t ask what the poundage was, because I didn’t really want to know, to tell you the truth.

Then it was time for our rounds/sets/ whatever you’d like to call them.I love it when they crank up the music to get you pumped up. Unfortunately, I didn’t seemed too pumped when I was about to start the exercise, haha—I knew what I was in for. I despise burpes

5 push presses
10 burpes

Complete 5 rounds.

I did my first burpe pushup and fell straight to the floor, forgetting how weak I was in the arm pits and lats from the first class just two days prior. Let me tell you, that was pretty difficult to get 10 out of me each any every time. By the third round I could barely get a 3rd push press up. I was told to drop the weights, shake out my shoulders and get back into it. I owed him 2 more before I got to do the super fun burpes again.

There was another guy in the beginner class, so we both completed it, and guess what? I didn’t feel the need to puke this class!

Small steps you guys… small steps.

I’m surprised I did another upper body workout at that class seeing as I couldn’t even put my hair in a pony tail without a bit of discomfort. I was at the peak of soreness from two days after my first trip into Crossfit. Of course, he showed me some tricks to loosen me up and I was on my way.

Guys, girls… I can’t wait to go back tomorrow!

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  1. Oh, I’m so jealous! I have a Cross Fit gym in my city, but being a poor student, I don’t have a car to get there and it is way on the outskirts of town… so no bus service. I know people that loooove cross fit. Keep us posted!!

  2. Amazing!

    I love their motto: Strong is the new skinny.

    I also love the upper body strength that I am gleaning from the WOD’s!

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