If you’re anything like me around the holidays, you want to have some fresh new make up to try out and wear at fancy Christmas parties or gatherings with friends. Make Up For Ever has come out with a few holiday sets for the season. Today I’ll be telling you about “The Extravagant Glamour Kit” from them. 
The Extravagant Glamour Kit includes:
• Aqua Eyes #0L Matte Black
• Smoky Extravagant in Black
• Rouge Artist Intense #43 Satin Vibrant Red
Cost: $44 CDN at Sephora ($72 Value)
I thought I would be terrified to wear a bold lip colour, but after doing a 24 day challenge swatching lipsticks from another brand, I have come to realize that the brighter, more fun shades actually are my favourite out of most of the colours. I don’t think you require confidence to pull off a bold lip colour. I think you plain and simply need to get over how “it doesn’t look good on me” and just rock them dang lips, girl. I honestly haven’t seen anyone who looked silly in a bold colour that suited them. The #43 Satin Vibrant Red is a gorgeous shade to wear and will be so completely long lasting.
Then again, if you really don’t want to wear a bright lip — then apply some gorgeous eyeliner in matte black (which comes in the kit, conveniently) and top it off with Make Up For Ever’s newest mascara, smoky extravagant. I personally love to play up my eyes, and as you guys already know I’m a huge fan of the mascaras by Make Up For Ever. They never disappoint.
And lastly, one of you lucky Canadian readers will be winning this Extravagant Glamour Kit from Make Up For Ever. Use it on yourself this holiday season, or wrap it up and give it to one of your friends!
a Rafflecopter giveaway