CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 8

This was my first week at CrossFit after going Paleo (for thirty days). Have you seen what I’ve been eating the past week, in yesterdays post?

Have I noticed a difference in my abilities? Well, no not quite yet but I think it’s too early to judge any of that at the moment.

The short:

Monday — CrossFit
Tuesday — Bouldering
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — Bouldering
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday — Rest
Sunday — Rest

The long:


year 2, week 8, day one

Back Squat
7-7-7-7 (@~75%)

20 Wall Ball (20/16)
20 Russian Twist (20/16)

What I completed: 4 full rounds + 18 wall balls


year 2, week 8, day two




year 2, week 8, day three

3 Hang Snatch; 105/75lbs
6 OHS; 105/75lbs
30 Double Unders

What I completed: I used 35lbs and completed 5 rounds + 3 OH squats.


year 2, week 8, day four



year 2, week 8, day five

WOD: 4 rounds
10 C2B or 15 jumping pullups
20 KB Ground 2 Overhead; 24/16
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
What I completed: I did the 15 jumping pullups for practice, and did 3 full rounds + 7 pullups in my fourth round. For the ground to overhead’s I used 8kg, and box jumps I used the 20″.



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CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 5

Please scroll to the end of this post to see some amazing climbing pics of my best bud back home!!!

So! My workouts from the week prior goes a little something like this:

The short:

Sunday — rest
Monday — CrossFit

Tuesday — nada
Wednesday — CrossFit
Thursday — zilch
Friday — CrossFit
Saturday — Nada

The long:


year 2, week 5, day one

3×5 weighted pull ups
WOD: Cindy!! (one of my fav’s)
AMRAP 20 mins
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
What I completed:
I was 13 squats short of 10 rounds. :)


year 2, week 5, day two

Ring Dips

100 DU’s (or 200 single skips)
30 V Sits
50 Box Jumps on a 20″ box
50 supermans
100 DU’s (or 200 single skips)
70 situps

 What I completed:
I ended up doing the 200 single skips each time. I felt as if I was cheating, but some day I’ll get more than 5 double under’s in a row.
My time for the WOD was 13:44


year 2, week 5, day three

EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)
3 power cleans at 75% (I used 75lbs!!!)


15 unbroken KB swings
20 unbroken hollow rocks
Rest 30 seconds

What I completed:
I used 12kg and I completed 8 full rounds. I was 10 hollow rocks short of 9 rounds though. Shoot.



I didn’t go climbing this week. I don’t really know why. Maybe prepping myself to go all out for thirty days coming up? (technically speaking, 28 more days…)

trev dyno

Either way, I have this SICK ass picture of my best friend climbing back home. Two pictures. Isnt’ the photographer the best? Chris Boyd is the photographer’s name. The pic was posted on my buddies FB wall so I stole it for the blog to show you all. Nice hey?

trev boulder

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Wishlist: Bobbi Brown everything


One of my all time favorite high end products to use on my face is Bobbi Brown cosmetics. I blogged about their Holiday 2012 collection a few months ago, and now I’ve created a wish list for myself, of Bobbi Brown cosmetics. Hey, it’s getting close to Christmas. No harm in creating a list now is there? :)

Bobbi Brown Extra Eye Repair Cream ($68 USD/ $75 CAD). Huge fan of this thick, luxurious eye cream and I don’t mind spending the money on it. My jar of it ran out a few weeks ago and I just haven’t gone to Holt Renfrew in Toronto to pick another one up. My jar ended up lasting me seven months. A good investment I say, at just $10/month for it! They sell other Bobbi Brown cosmetics inside Sephora stores, but not the eye repair cream. I may not even wait for Christmas to get this, because it’s such a great moisturizer. I used it twice a day under and around my eyes. It’s a great base underneath under eye concealer as well since it doesn’t get my makeup crepey or flaky. Available at Holt Renfrew, or Bobbi

Bobbi Brown 24k Shimmer Brick. This product is limited edition, but Bobbi Brown always comes out with some great shimmer bricks. I’m always swatching them when I’m inside Holt Renfrew. It’s a lust-after product by yours truly. I’m a huge fan of skin care over makeup, but when it comes to makeup I’m all about foundations, and making your skin look the best possible. Having this shimmer brick adds a little glow to the cheeks. It’s perfect for all year round. Glowy skin doesn’t have to be just for the summer time! You can buy it on Sephora’s website for a limited time.

Bobbi Brown Extra Soothing Balm. I love diverse products and would love to give this product a try. I hadn’t heard of it until recently when I was on Bobbi Brown’s website and scoped out the Extra Skincare line. Love that you can use it on your cuticles (mine are always so gross looking, unfortunately and I literally need to put cuticle oil on them a few times per week), your heels (!!!), and even on your cheeks for a glow. Sign me up… I wonder if it’s available in Canada?

This is not a sponsored post.. psh, I wish it was. It’s just a wish list of mine!


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