Where’s the flood?

floodpantsFull of fail fashion all this week. My pants shrunk? Clearly, I need to go out and get some new winter pants. I love however, that I am wearing one of my top finds on etsy. This necklace is super gorgs, and I bought it here.

Do you ever get a nervous stomach for the unknown? Fear the unknown. That’s what I’m all about :(

When I go to a new Doctor and I’m waiting in the examining room and I don’t know if he’s young, old, grumpy… all of the above. I get nervous. I get so nervous, that I’m literally sick to my stomach. That is what my stomach is feeling like today — a jumble ball of mess. It doesn’t have to be because I’m going to a Doctor’s appointment, it could easily be something like: SIGNING UP FOR THE GYM. The gym that I used to attend (and quit, in May 2008 lol) is in the same building that I work. My boyfriend’s office is 300 meters way and we’re planning to head back home and pick up our gym stuff (because we conveniently forgot it this morning) heading back so we I can start losing some body fat % (he’s a triathlete, he has like 1% B.F!) . I don’t have anything to be scared of except for the fact that I’m extremely competitive with myself and I try and go further and harder than the last time. I feel like I plateau, but I really don’t because I never work out for more than 8 months at a time. I want to break that record. I want to make a life changing decision and have a life style change. I don’t want to be an unfit elderly person. Since I can’t play soccer anymore for a while, I need a new activity! Sitting on the couch all the time just won’t cut it. Stop. Being. Lazy. Your pants need to fit you, Nancy!

I had a dream the other night that I won my first Triathlon. I think that pushed me over the edge…

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Cheap weekend deals

I scored free toilet paper this weekend at a store called Giant Tiger. If you’re from Newfoundland and don’t know what that store is — it’s just like a Pipers or what Bi-Way used to be like, remember? Or am I dating myself here, ha! Anyway — I wrote a little note last night about my deals and posted a photo. So head on over to Locupleto to see what I’m talking about!

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Oh Sunday, we have such a love/hate for one another

When you get angry, what do you normally do?I usually become a useless slob when I’m pissed at someone: surf the net, call my parents, take a shower, sleep. You know the normal things. Last night something made me so angry that I couldn’t do any of the above listed because I felt it was being useless, so what better way than to spend 3 hours intensely cleaning the whole apartment? I love it, because the place smells like Mr. Clean, and my desk … oh just look at my desk. This is a big deal folks. Normally I’m quite organized with a lot of things regarding the apartment but my desk is the only “mine, not yours or ours” thing in the apartment (lol) and sometimes it gets quite out of hand when I neglect it. It looks so pretty now, at least. I wish it wasn’t so ugly though. As you can tell, I tried to decorate it with some ribbon on the bottom of my monitor. Kinda cute? Or major fail? You decide.

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Today’s Sunday. This time last week I would have been getting ready for soccer — so instead, I have my bowl of popcorn ready to get popped and waiting to watch thee best show in the house: Desperate Housewives! Apparently someone DIES tonight. I hope it’s Kathryn.

P.S: Don’t forget about:...

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