I hit a mental block in January and I didn’t workout much. Which is why you haven’t seen the weekly CrossFit recaps, or running stories from me.
I don’t know why I stopped working out for a few weeks, and to be quite honest I enjoyed it while it lasted! My running Coach decided to stop working with me for the remainder of the winter to focus on his own skills. So I’ve been grabbing the Boyfriend to run my Sunday runs with me, and so far so good.
I’ve been cleaning house in January, and getting rid of a lot of clutter in my life. It feels very good to have a clean desk, a clean bedroom and more organized system of doing things around the apartment. I’ve chucked out countless bags of garbage, and donated 5 grocery bags full of clothes and shoes.
I went to CrossFit twice last week, but before that I went once since returning from Christmas vacation! Jeeze. Thankfully, I wasn’t eating terribly so I didn’t feel lethargic upon returning to exercising. I also started taking vitamins the second week of January. So while it takes a while for vitamins to have a noticeable effect on your body, I’m glad I’m doing something good to my body.
I’m taking vitamin D, B12 and iron supplements. I can only handle taking the iron 3x/week since it’s quite harsh on the system.
Since I’m nearly at the 2 year mark of attending CrossFit (February 24, 2011!), I decided to get my booty in gear again. I’m not going to be a slacker.
In lieu of celebrating my month off “comeback” I’ve decided to host a little give-away for all of you great readers. Scroll to the bottom of the post to see that :)
Onto my workouts from last week! I planned on going to CrossFit three days last week but took a break since I couldn’t stand up straight from the soreness in my abs.
year 1, week 46, day one
Back Push Press
First set of eight’s I used 35lbs. Second set of eights I went up to 55lbs. First set of five’s I used 65lbs and the last five I was up at 70lbs!
15 minute time limit for 3 rounds of the below. My time – 14:28, and I used an 8kg KB! Felt awesome.
3 Rounds
15 LS KB Snatch;16/12kg
15 V-Sits
15 RS KB Snatch;16/12kg
15 Toes to bar
year 1, week 46, day two
10 Rounds:
11 Chest to bar pull-ups
22 Front squat (75/55)
We had 26 minutes to complete the 10 rounds. This WOD was so brutal on my wrists that I was close to tears lol. I ended up only doing 4.5 rounds of the WOD. I got a pat on the back from one of the female coaches saying good work. Which was pretty great feeling. That’s what I get for taking a month off. Oy!
I cannot stand the way soccer makes me feel lately. Ever since leaving the ladies league in Summer 2011 I thought I had stopped soccer forever. I’m in a non-competitive co-ed soccer league now with my CrossFit crowd.
I feel SO self-conscious and I dread going to every single game. So much, I sometimes say I can’t make it. I went from scoring goals every game (on the ladies league), being aggressive on the field to the shittiest (on the co-ed league) person on the team. When I’m open, they don’t pass. When I’m not ready for a pass, they give me the ball and I fumble it and people stop passing it to me. It’s very frustrating and I’m considering quitting (again). I just really dread it, and wish I didn’t pay the money to play. It’ll all be over in March. So there ya have it. All out.
[older crossfit journal entries]
Onto the giveaway:
Brooke Burke has come out with new fitness programs, the DVDs Sexy Abs, and 30 Day Slim Down hit shelves just on New Years Eve. If you’re looking to start working out, and are more comfortable doing so at home, this would be a good treat to try out for yourself.
Did you know she’s a mother of FOUR? Woah.
These two DVDs will be a challenging workout to help you sculpt, tone and tighten your muscles, with the aid of eating well in the kitchen of course. You do know the statistics for getting in shape, right? 80% is made in the kitchen, and 20% of it is working out. Which is why I still don’t have abs. I love candy too much. That’s besides the point though ;)
Exclusive to the DVDs are her favourite smoothie recipes that are fast and apparently delicious. Wait. Honestly? I don’t own the DVD so I can’t tell you if they’re really delish or not. But I’m sure they are!
Brooke Burke Body: 30 Day Slim Down
Brooke Burke Body: Sexy Abs
Five winners will be eligible to win both copies of the Brooke Burke Body DVDs. I’ll run the contest for 5 days since any longer, people either forget to check back, or they get annoyed with long contests. I know I do.
Once I draw the names the winner has 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise I will draw another name.
Canadians only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway