Wanna see how I like to decorate?

Big surprise, I went shopping again. I ended up snagging some free products using coupons at Superstore and Walmart, so that was decent. Check out those deals on my coupon site: Locupleto.

But I’ll show you the more exciting things on this site. Because that’s what I’m all about.

I ended up going to the outlet malls in the next town (city?) over, and to be honest I’ve never really went to the outlet malls there because I honestly thought they sucked. NO WAY. They do not. I found an amazing store called Urban Barn, which — before I entered the building I totally thought it was going to be  a sister-store to Urban Planet, because that store is right next door.

Oh brother. It’s a home decorating store and I should have really taken photos of everything I saw. I was there for a good hour looking around this one place. I swear the 4 lone employees working there thought I was up to something, so I ended up telling them that I’ve never been in there before and I was overwhelmed and excited and wanted to buy everything, lol.

Those are fake plants! They look so real, ha!

This umbra chest of ‘drawers’ was on sale and I decided I’d use it as a jewelry box.

Golden apples. I picked up one, and it said $8. I picked up another and it had an orange sticker saying $5.00, I tried my luck and picked up the third and it said $3.00! Ha! I ended up buying 4 of these goldens for $3 a pop.

Tiny silver rabbit (I bought two) to hold rings on its little ears! So cute. These were from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

This wicker type of basket didn’t have a price tag on it and I thought that it was the same as these baskets I bought last year, oops guess not. Either way I ended up asking the guy who was working the department how much it was. He asked me how much I wanted to pay for it, lol. But then quickly said not to go too low. I said “uh, I dunno five bucks?”. So he gave it to me for $4.94. Sweet!

Everything all set up.

I put the jewelry box, the fake orchid and the two rabbits in our bedroom and I finally hung the charcoal drawing my classmate made me twelve years ago back in art school! I had it hung up when I lived in Newfoundland. But it has been packed away since I moved to Ontario almost 5 years ago. I really need to frame it. It’s time. lol

This is a temporary set up for the fake bonsai as I’m not sure that the whole thing works here on the ottoman.  I decided to buy the faux bonsai since I already killed a few real ones. Guess it’s time to go plastic!

So this is how I kinda like to decorate. I think I’ll start doing this more often — I’ve been living with the boyfriend in an undecorated apartment for way too long. If you take a sneak peak at Urban Barn, that’s basically my entire style. I didn’t dislike a thing in there. Love that store. I’ll be back.

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Random thoughts

As you may already know, I work at a financial institution and I’ve been there at the same job since 2007! Safe to say I definitely love it. While I’m never really dealing with the public up front, I’m still designing to make those potential members/clients some eye catching designs since I do work as a Graphic Designer and a Marketer.

I have to read and get to know all of the documents that we hand out to the public. For instance, you don’t want to design a brochure that has the topic of life insurance for children, and then have a car on it. What does the car have to do with a kid? Unless the kid is potentially going to get run over. But I mean, that’s not how I design, lol. Perhaps some parents holding their kids, smiling. Something of that sort. Right? I’ve been told I have a very corporate design side to me. I tend to not follow trends and go for insanely bright colors. However, I really do admire a lot of the designs out ther and wish I could’ve thought of using that crazy bold color for my last project.

I have a folder on my desktop at work that I named “inspiration” and I look back at it and use the same colors and incorporate it into my next design.I remember when my boss first hired me, she asked me where I find inspiration. I get it from looking at photos, I get it when I’m at the mall and see a top in a nice color, and then I get it when I’m driving down the road and I see a pretty flower. Inspiration happens anywhere.  I’m sure a lot of designers can attest to that.  My next project is about BurialInsurance.org and working on designing a poster for elders — retirement savings, that sort of thing. Back to work tomorrow!

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My CrossFit Journal (week 11)

It may be easier for me to find videos of the workouts. What do you prefer, photos or videos?


Week 11 Day 1.

Overhead Squats (35lbs)

That means 21 overhead squats, 21 burpees, 15 overhead squats, 15 burpees, and so on. I ended up not being able to lift the 35lb bar at first, overhead as I was wobbly. I practiced a bunch of times with the 15lb bar until the trainer said go back to the 35lb bar. It was doable! I finished my WOD (workout of the day) in 9:50! The OH squats killed your wrists though.


Week 11 Day 2.

5 Rounds
5 Over Bar Burpees
5 Clean and Squat
5 Ring Dip
5 Thrusters
5 Dive Bomber Push ups

By the third round I thought the workout would never end. I ended up doing 50lbs for the Clean & Squat, and Thrusters. It was more than enough weight (for now)! Gotta say dive bombers are harder than they look. I face planted the first time, even while my trainer was holding my hips and shoulders up to help me, lol.

I got the Thrusters move, and the PushPress move mixed up. I have it all figured out now with this little mind-trick. You thrust your hips, lol… so you go down into a full squat and thrust your way up. PushPress is just a little dip then you power your weight up. Ah, good to know.


Week 11 Day 3.

Box Jumps (20″)
Power Snatch (35lbs)
C2B (Chest To Bar) pullups

Box Jumps:

Power snatch:

Chest to Bar pull ups my favorite:

I did alright in this workout, it immediately worked up a sweat. At the start of the second round of box jumps I almost fell on my face. I raced over from the pull ups to do the jumps. Take your time foo’!!

Every time I’m driving home after CrossFit, I feel like going out and running a marathon. Okay, never really that far.

But I felt like running today and I decided to go. I ended up doing a 1.7k out and back, so a total of 3.4km’s, which took me 22 minutes (pace of  10:24, very slow for me but again it’s one of my first runs since last October when I “quit” lol)


I really disliked this week since I didn’t have much time for anything. I went to CrossFit on Tuesday, Wednesday and today (BIRTHDAY!!!) Next week will be better.

[ older CrossFit journal entries ]

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