My CrossFit Journal (week 30)


Week 30 Day 1.

25 minute time limit, 4 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Thrusters (95/65) I used 40lbs, I usually use 45 but I felt tired this day.
15 Pullups

I didn’t end up finishing the four complete rounds. I was on my fourth round and I had just started the thrusters. I did two and the timer went off.

(click to enlarge)


Week 30 Day 2.

5 rounds 25 minute time limit
50 Double Under I did 100 skips because it’s impossible for me to do double unders right now.
3 Hang Clean; 135/95lbs  I used 30lbs for everything below
3 Front Squat
3 Push Press
3 O/H Squat
3 Back Squat
3 Back Push Press
25 Paralett Jumps

(click to enlarge)

I think I could’ve easily done over 30lbs for the workout. Except the kicker was the overhead squats. A lot of people can’t lift the same weight as they normally would. So i left it at 30lbs. I finished the WOD in exactly 20 minutes. The coach was surprised to see me done, and I was for SURE done my five rounds. I suggested I do another round just in case, but he said I didn’t have to, lol? :/ 



[older crossfit journal entries]

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