Fitness recap

I have been far too lax on my workout routine, so much so my tight pants have started to remind me that I need to do more exercising and not just fiddle around at the gym and hope for the best.

fitness recapThe other week I’ve decided to write down my athletics in a notebook to keep myself accountable. If I see a day where I didn’t get the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day, I don’t beat myself up over it. I just walk Alfie extra long on his business-duty for the evening.

Each week, I’ll do a fitness recap on my blog — Tuesday seems like a good day as any? I’m missing my CrossFit weekly workouts that I used to do. I’m scared of re-joining. It’s been since January since I have done a WOD and I’m just a wuss right now.

bouldering, LaSportiva, Katana'sI got a membership to Planet Granite climbing (which has CrossFit & Yoga classes!!!) gym this weekend, so I’m heading down there a few times per week.

Alright, getting’ into it. This one will be a little longer because I kind of want to backtrack at my workouts. Then we’ll be back to a regular weekly schedule.

Friday May 16: 2 mile run

Saturday May 17: 3 mile run

Sunday May 18: 2 mile run

Monday & Tuesday May 19-20: Off

Wednesday May 21: 3 mile run

Thursday May 22: Climbing for 3 hours with Ellen!

Friday May 23: 2 mile run

Saturday May 24: Bouldering for 2 hours

Sunday May 25: Hiking up some mountain, for 2 hours in some random city

You may notice I don’t like to run more than 3 miles at a time. In fact, 2 miles is my sweet spot.

RunAfter a long long break from running, I can fully run 2 miles without stopping again. 3 miles, no way buddy. I have to stop about 3-4 times in that last mile. Wish I wrote down my times. I’ll do that this week, to keep track. Still definitely nowhere where I want to be. I do recall one of my 3 milers finishing at 31:30, which is not cool in my brain. When I was running with my friend Tanya back in the day, we were running 27-28 minute 5k’s. That’s where I want to be, and I want to start running slower, for longer distances. That’s where my mentality issues kick in. Oh negative talk.

I have a huge love/hate relationship with running.

post run faceThen people tell me, if I hate it so much why do I keep doing it? Plain and simple, I actually crave it. It’s easy for me to jump on the treadmill and go — but it’s hard for me to maintain any length of distance. I hate that it’s hard, and I hate that I get so winded after 2-3 miles. So if I truly hated it, I clearly wouldn’t do it, would I? That’s just silly. For instance, I despise biking. It hurts my you-know-what, so I never ever go to spin classes nor do I own a bike. My husband makes up for my lack of bikes though ;)

Planet Granite BoulderingI’m heading back into the climbing gym later this morning so I can work on getting some strength back. I can top rope more difficult routes fine, it’s just the bouldering strength I’d like to have back, and it’d be nice to be able to do my party trick again ;)

Come back tomorrow, because I’ll be posting something I’ve never done before! Ooo!

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Spiffykerms Style

While I don’t post outfits of the work week any more, since I’m not currently working a full time job outside of the home, I have decided to take quick, styled outfits on our kitchen floor to still keep up with the fashion posts on my blog. Follow along on my Instagram or search the hashtag #SpiffykermsStyle :)Maxi skirt, Flip flops, clutchWorkout clothes, Lululemon, Mizuno, Target, Under Armour, NikeOutfit of the day, OOTD, Banana Republic, JC Penny, American Eagle, Tory Burch, Forever 21, Skagen watchWorkout clothes, ootd, workout, Lululemon, Mizuno, Ironman Canada, Ironman, MPG Sport, MPGWhat I wore, OOTD, FashionCrossFit, CrossFit Waterloo, WIW, What I wore, OOTD, Workout, Mizuno, Gap, MPG

What are you wearing today?

Do you prefer to wear pants or skirts/dresses more?

Is this something you’d like to see regularly on the blog? Or would you like me to keep it to Instagram only?

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Food Retro’s thought on Paleo

The next guest post over the Christmas holidays is my friend Anne who blogs over at Food Retro! Please check her site out some time, and welcome her to my blog :)


I love Nancy. I met her at BlissDom Canada and she is the cutest person. She’s so cute that you can’t be jealous of her outstanding physique and impressive abilities (seriously, CrossFit? What is this black magic?). If I were more of a hugger, I would totally grab her and squeeze her.

Name her George.

Sorry, Nancy. That was a Looney Toons reference. #showingmyage

Nancy is going on vacation, the lucky woman, and asked some of her best bloggy friends forever to cover her six. She likes makeup, and fitness, and travel and fashion. I don’t do any of those things. Not unless I have to. I can’t remember what half of my makeup is called, and so since mom jeans are off the table, I’m going to try for funny.

Then there’s the paleo dieting. I might be able to handle paleo. It’s slightly less sinister than the blood-type diet. I’m an AB and I can’t tolerate animal protein? What is this nonsense! You can keep the radishes and beans on the list of prohibited foods. That’s fine by me. Only a fool, however, would try to sell me on a diet by outlawing bacon and tea. Hell hath no fury like the woman bacon-and-caffeine denied.

I have already been putting together my list of New Year’s resolutions. Becoming more fit is on that list yet again. Maybe Nancy can give me some pointers when she’s back from vacation.

Better yet, I totally think Nancy should have a wee one of her own so she can put together a fitness routine for people like me: “How to Juggle Your Contrary 5 Year Old and Still Have Enough Energy to Be Superhuman.” In this new program, I envision using my tyke as a set of bar bells with one arm while I wield a spatula in the other. Maybe with a little yoga practice, I can throw in vacuuming with my feet.

I would buy this program. She would make Zillions.

Until then, however, I might have to try this… Cross… Fit.

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