CrossFit Style Workout

I haven’t joined CrossFit and it’s really close by. I cannot get over the cost compared to Ontario. It’s more than double. I love the CrossFit atmosphere and I miss it tremendously. As much as I’d love to join, to meet new friends — I just can’t take that expense on right now, especially since we have a free gym in our complex. Instead, I’ve been making up my own CrossFit style workouts: 20 minute arm workout // Speedy treadmill workout // 30 minute treadmill workout. Sorta.

My arms were still a little sore from the 20 minute arm workout I did the other day, but I put together this workout, not knowing how long it would take me. It’s been months since I did an intense workout like this.

CrossFit Style Workout, CrossFit, workout at home, You better believe I scratched out 150 squats and put it down to 100. Ain’t no way I would’ve liked that.

Workout faceI managed to complete it in 34 minutes. Can you beat my time? Do the workout and post your times in the comments!

How are you staying fit today?
I’m thinking of doing a 45 minute treadmill run. I don’t care how many miles/kilometers I do, I want to build up my running endurance.

How many days in a week do you workout?
Right now I only go 3-4x/week. Yikes.

What is your favourite type of way to workout? Cardio? Weights? Abs? A mixture of it all?
I really enjoy a mixture of weights, cardio and gymnastics. I love confusing my body and never plateauing. That’s why I love CrossFit.

What is your most hated of exercises?
I really disliked wall balls at CrossFit.

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Speedy treadmill workout

Today was raining and I was bored, so I decided to hit up our gym in the complex here. My husband and dog were both sleeping, so I figured why not?

Workout clothes, MPG, Lululemon, Mizuno, Ironman CanadaI put on my workout clothes and then did a speedy 20 minute run on the treadmill with 8 minutes of walking. It was pretty sweet.

speedy-20-minute-treadmillI just sort of made it up as I went. I tried to mimic my first ten minutes but I knew I probably couldn’t keep up the 7.5 speed for 3 more minutes.

FFCheckinInstead I wanted to do a little speed/slowdown/speed up again type of run.I know that the weather is nice and all, here in California. But I actually prefer running on a treadmill and watching TV. I’m probably the minority here, but does anyone agree with me? I feel like if I’m running outside I can’t just go pee whenever I want, and I can know exactly how to pace myself on a treadmill, which I can’t do outside. I don’t know why.

Mizuno-Wave-RiderI’ve been using my Mizuno Wave Riders and they haven’t been giving me any issues at all. No rubbing on my feet whatsoever.

MizunosPretty comfy if you ask me.

Shortly we’re going to check out Trader Joes, hopefully they have some dried unsweetened mango in stock.

What are you up to today?

When’s the last time you ran on a treadmill?

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post as I’m talking about some delicious tea!

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Wunder Unders, Blogger Meetups and Jamba Juice

I feel so lucky that we have a gym in our complex. The Guy and I take advantage of it and go together when he gets off work.

30-Min-Treadmill-WorkoutI completed this thirty minute treadmill workout that was tough towards the end. I actually had to stop at 29:30 because I couldn’t keep my breathing up. It was a toughy! It’ll take you to about 2.5 miles after you’re finished. Which isn’t so bad considering the 10 minutes of it you’re just walking at 4.0.

CrossFit Waterloo tee, MPG leggings, Mizuno sneakersAfter last night’s treadmill workout, I woke up at the crack of dawn in the best kind of a mood. Who am I? Why was I awake so early? I decided to listen to my body and just get up out of bed, have some breakfast and then put on some comfy clothes before heading out the door to drive to beautiful Santana Row to run some errands. Definitely missing my old CrossFit Waterloo gym, so I decided to represent them today around town. 

Santana-RowIsn’t it beautiful?

AnthropologieI’m really trying to find some nice olive green towels for our bathrooms, but they’ve proven to be difficult to find in a shade that I want. So I got fed up and went into Anthropologie. Even though I love going to Anthropologie and it’s one of my favourite stores, I’m starting to realize that World Market has a lot of similar items that Anthro has, but without the jacked up prices. I’m excited about this, because I can scope things out I like at Anthro and get them for cheaper. Both places have really cute towels, and great smelling hand creams.

lululemon wunder undersI headed over to Lululemon to see if they had any of the Wunder Unders in stock since they were all out of my size online. Luckily, Santana Row’s Lululemon had them in stock. I bought them as a very early birthday gift to myself. My birthday is in May. Ohhh well.

Yoga at LululemonThat’s also where I found out that they offer complimentary yoga, and running groups — not only that they are having a CrossFit elements class on Sunday morning if anyone is interested in attending, just phone the store.

Jamba-Juice-Chocolate-MoodShortly after I met up with Jessica and we grabbed a Jamba Juice together while browsing around. I said it before and I’ll say it again, Chocolate Moo’d tastes exactly like a Wendy’s Frosty. So good. I’m excited for this evening though, because both of us are going to a blogger-meet up in another city. Hopefully I’ll meet some new people that way too.

Balance BarThen on the drive home I dug into one of my many delicious Balance Bars. S’mores is the only way to go.

What’s your flavour at Jamba Juice?

Have you ever gone to a blogger meet up?

Do you like Lululemon?

What colour are your towels?

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