I was a wee late posting my outfit of the work week since I usually post them on Friday mornings. Not to worry. My fashion post is here on a beautiful Saturday a.m.

Notice my bruise getting more prominent throughout the week? Ha! It was from some chick at soccer who was a bit aggressive on the field.

Click to enlarge:See Friday’s tank top? It’s from what I would classify as an older lady store called Cleo. I popped in to one of their stores on my lunch break on Thursday and picked  up two cute tanks!!

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Officially pooped

I thought I blogged over the weekend, but that clearly was something I dreamed about and didn’t actually do. The weekend flew by incredibly fast, as does any other weekend — such a world wind. I think on Saturday morning I woke up stupidly early (8am is unheard of on a weekend for me) and did six loads of laundry and I don’t even remember what else because it just seemed so far long ago. Like two weekends ago. Does that ever happen to you? What, we had a weekend?

I had a bit of a debate over my waist belt that I was wearing that day. A lot of people thought the belt was out of place, should be larger and so on. But the woman working at the store AND my running buddy all agreed that it looked nice on me. It was laying on my natural waist, not up by my ribs. Because if it were on my ribs – I’d need a smaller belt. I don’t know. The boyf ended up really hating it. But I wore it regardless and felt wicked with it on.

Don’t forget you can enlarge the photos if you can’t see the medium-sized thumbnails.


Funky angles.

You can see more of my outfit below in the pictures.

We headed out Saturday night to Toronto to meet up with a few friends who were having a delay/over night stop over at Toronto Airport.

(Us / Boyf driving / ICutOffHisFace. Oops.)

They were a bit late making the meet up so the Boyf and I headed to an incredible hindu temple (Shri Sharadamba Temple) that we saw off the highway.

Little me in front of big temple.

Crazy, right?

Polished marble. I stood on it, but then decided not do. Were we allowed? I don’t know…

What to do/What not to do.

Everything on this building was all carved in India, and shipped over then put together. Incredible, no?

Closeup of the side of the building. Intricate.

By the museum.

Look how huge it is, compared to me!

Sun’s setting! Time to go.

We were out pretty late since we hadn’t seen our friends for ages. But we couldn’t stay overnight as we had to drive back since the Boyf had a triathlon in the a.m.

Sunday was worse. Going to bed and getting 5 hours of sleep, waking up at 6:30am then heading out to the race site with Alfie and the boyf. At least it was a short race, so we were back in the car at around noon.

Triathlon transition

This was the only photo I got of my Boyf throughout the whole race. We were sort of rushed and I didn’t get a picture of the swim, or him in his wetsuit. Nor did I get a picture at all of him on the bike. I had everything set up. Alfie went wild at someone coming up behind him (he gets spooked easily) and then there goes the Boyf whizzing past me on his bike. Perfect timing.

At least I got a photo of him on the final run right before the finish line. Bib # was photoshopped out :)

Alfie was roasting. Check out that tongue on him!

When we arrived home, we napped. For a long time. Until it was time for me to find my way to the next city for my soccer game. Boyf gladly drove in front of me on the highway so I could find my way. Ended up scoring the first goal of the game and also winning 3-1. However I did get another injury (soccer makes me so injury prone!!). One of the defenders took me out pretty badly as she slid-tackled me. I’ve been applying this homeopathic cream that a team mate recommended called Arnika. Apparently it speeds up the healing process. I didn’t ice it last night like a fool, and woke up this morning and it still hurt just as bad.

Icing is so painful. I hate the cold. It numbed my whole leg. I slathered on the Arnika and now my leg is all rashy.

Crazy weekend. Sad it’s over lol. At least we’re done with Monday. Right?

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OOTD – June 17 <3

Top: RW & Co (this spring)
Black bermuda shorts: Jacob
Zebra print flats: Vianni Collection — from Joneve

The past few days I’ve been psyching myself out over this stupid 5k run that I’m doing this weekend. I have absolutely no need to freak out – what training is done, is done. I’m prepared for this and I know that I can be a speedy runner if I keep my negative thoughts out of my head. It IS all mental. I know I can turn on the jets and do that 5k. But I don’t know how realistic it is to do it in 25 minutes. Sure, that’s my goal and if I reach it I’ll buy myself something pretty. But if I don’t, it’s fine too. Not every race needs to have a personal record beaten. But it would be nice ;)

Today marks the 5 year anniversary of the Boyf and I dating. Flew by, that’s for sure – and it’s the longest relationship that either of us has been in! We had plans on Monday to eat out because we knew this week was jam packed busy, especially tonight. It’s the last day of Alfie’s Obedience training.

Anyone watch soccer this morning? Argentina and South Korea? Boy that guy is fast, and looks a lot older than 23 — I thought he was in his forties! HAH. I watched the first half while getting ready for work this morning, and saw the 2 goals for Argentina go in, and then saw South Korea have a fluky goal (okay not really fluke, but Argentina’s defense definitely didn’t see it coming). Argentina came back strong to win it 4-1. I didn’t have a chance to see those.

Have an awesome Thursday guys!

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