Oh boy…

Ever since I got back from my thanksgiving trip home to Newfoundland I haven’t been feeling 100%. At first I thought it was just an annoying cold. It started off three weeks ago as a sinus cold, which went away. As soon as the sinuses cleared up I started having a cough.

That cough has been around for three weeks. I called my parents over the weekend just for a chat and my Mom suggested I go to the drop in clinic today. She said it’s been lingering on too long. Oh, Mom’s know best, don’t they?

My cough is worse during the evenings and I wake myself up with a nasty deep-man cough.

I showered, and got dressed and drove over to get checked out by the same Doctor who looked after my weird bump, and ear infection over the summer. I like it when drop-in’s have the same Doctor.

He listened to my chest with his stethoscope and heard something in my upper right chest.

I have walking pneumonia. Oh boy. I wasn’t expecting that! I honestly feel fine for the majority of it, except for being tired and whiney. Oh and uncontrollable coughing fits.

Symptoms (grabbed from here):

The symptoms of walking pneumonia are similar to those of more serious forms of pneumonia, but with less severity. These include fatigue, cough, fever, chills and/or sweating. Often the cough is dry, but may produce phlegm. The symptoms come on more gradually than they do in other forms of pneumonia, sometimes taking up to three weeks to reach their full effect. Because the symptoms are generally not severe, those infected often consider them to be indicative of a simple chest cold or mild flu, and continue their daily routines without disruption.

I’ve been given these huge monster-sized pills to take, which will make my food taste metallic, says the Pharmacist. Nice..

If I don’t feel better within 48 hours I’m told to go and get an x-ray ASAP, using the requisition he printed out for me. Just what the Doctor ordered, actually… he didn’t say much lol. The Pharmacist just told me to take the meds with food.

Anyway that’s my news for Monday. As my Dad would say “That’s the way the cookie crumbles”

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Quick 10

I borrowed these questions from Jill over at Bluegrass Belle, and decided to do a survey since it’s been a while. I’m also adding photos to keep it from not looking so texty and boring!

1. How do you take your coffee?
I’m not a coffee drinker. I rarely drink tea too and I have it only at work if I’m feeling chilled. (Orange Pekoe, by Tetley tea). But I do order from Starbucks once in a blue moon, usually a hazelnut latte, or a mocha frap.

{grabbed from Pinterest — follow me!}

2. Do you prefer soft or crispy chocolate chip cookies?
I love soft and chewy cookies. Soo good. Though, Chips A Hoy crispy chocolate chips are pretty amazing too.

{mmm cookies}

3. Do you wear a belt everyday?
Everyday? No, I do not. But when the outfit calls for it, I put one on.

{fun belt}

4. What is your favorite color combination?
Hmm. Tough one. I like yellow lately, but then I like wearing a lot of neutral colors too. Accessorizing is my new favorite thing.

5. Do you like sour candy?
No! Bring on the sweets candy girl!

6. How often do you do laundry?
I do laundry when the basket is over flowing. However often that is? I have no idea. I can only tell when the laundry is over and I’m hanging up wet laundry and count my clean undies. Hee hee. Sometimes it’s 12 days, sometimes 15. I hate putting away clean clothes, anyone else with me on that one?


7. Did you ever wear braces?
I had braces for a year and a half between 2006-2008, and I even blogged about the cost, and the before/after. I still wear my retainer nightly! Can’t let those teeth shift.

{weird braces}

8. Are you good at Roman Numerals?
I know 1-10, if that’s any help. I also know that X means 100, I think.

9. What is your favorite form of social media?
I can’t stand companies that use Facebook for marketing. Sure it’s great, but I don’t like to clog up anything on my Facebook. I only use it for close friends/family. I went wild when Facebook was new and added everyone I ever met, but then it freaked me out that everyone was knowing what I was up to. I deleted a boat load of people a few months ago and now I’m down to 200+ friends, or people I like to stalk.

Twitter is what I use constantly for everything and anything related to “real” life, and internet life. Twitter is amazing. Follow me! :)

10. How do you feel about chin dimples?
I haven’t really thought about it. I don’t like them on someone I know. Does that help?  What do you think of them!

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My CrossFit Journal (week 37)

Since yesterday was my OOTWW and Friday was Tanya’s, today is my CrossFit journal posting. I’m still having difficulty finding the time to balance CrossFit and climbing together. I’m considering morning workouts at CrossFit, but I honestly don’t want to. I’m really not a morning person. I know you can train your body used to it, but do I really want to drive 10 minutes in the winter and work out at 6am? Meh…we’ll see. 


Week 37 Day 1.

Back Squat

I have a new personal record for my backsquat. Back in July, which was exactly 17 weeks ago I could only lift 80lbs for my max. Now I passed 85lbs and now my new max is 90lbs! I did five in total. I first bumped from 85lbs to 95lbs and could only do two and dropped the weight. So I put it back down to 90 and my depth was still there. Success!!!

I made a joke to myself and on Twitter that night, saying I can back squat your grandma. There are some really strong people at CrossFit. It’s amazing what some of the girls the same size as me can back squat. One girl was over 185lbs for hers. Insane, right??? I’d feel my quads would pop off if I did that lol



[older crossfit journal entries]

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