My CrossFit Journal (week 20)

I wasn’t on the computer the entire weekend, so I forgot to post the CrossFit journal. First off — I wanted to congratulate myself (hah!) Twenty weeks in and still going STRONG. Arrr!! No need to take out any term life insurance for me. I’m grand sure.

I freaking love it. I think I like it so much because it’s constantly changing, it’s never the same workout every day, or even every week for that matter! You could go weeks or even months without doing the same workout but once you do it again you’re a bit stronger than the last. It’s really awesome.


Week 20 Day 1.

Back Squat


Okay so before I get into the Back Squat and how I did – I wanted to first mention that the warmup was sprints. Again. Even though I’m categorized at CrossFit as a runner, I absolultey hate it. I was the only person at CrossFit that evening so that was pretty fun, having a one-on-one almost like a personal training sesh. Either way. I had to do a 400m, running the first 200m at a regular pace and the final 200m at a light run, not full out. Get it? Apparently I did so well and took 6 seconds off my first 400m run. (We had to do this 5 times!!). I ended up nearly secretly crying and wanting to go home. The self-competitiveness I have inside me is insane. My breathing sucks. I don’t have asthma, I got tested last year. It’s literally all mental because when I knew I was on my final 400m run I could bust it out like no other.

I hated it.

Onto the WOD Back Squats. I lifted the 45lb bar 5 times, then I moved up to 50lbs, then 75lbs twice and 80lbs twice. It was a good workout. I was melting. There was a ton of time to kill between sets so I practiced kips, and handstands lol.


Week 20 Day 2.

5 Rounds for time of:
12 Deadlift; 155/115lbs
9 Hang power clean; 155/lbs
6 Push jerk; 155/115lbs

I ended up doing 55lbs because using 115lbs is INSANE. I can’t do a push jerk like that! Moses.

Our warmup was tiring, but not too bad. Mostly ab work. Here is what we had to complete:

3 rounds:
30 second plank
15 situps – tossing med ball at the wall and leaning back with it with your arms extended
15 kettlebell chops (I used a 8lb) left side
15 kettlebell chops (I used a 8lb) right side
15 flutters


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