Quinoa caprese chicken salad

quinoa-headerQuinoa caprese chicken salad. That’s a mouthful. Try and say that three times fast, then backwards.

It’s what was for dinner one weeknight after an evening full of back-to-school shopping for my nephews. See what I bought them.

I’ve never had one of the famous fresh caprese salads before. So I decided rather on having a light supper I’ll have a semi-light supper and incorporate quinoa, chicken and pine nuts into the mix. Sounded good, so it must taste good, right?

quinoa-caprese-chicken-salaSo easy guys.

Grab a box of quinoa and cook it in chicken broth. Prep your tomatoes (I used grape tomatoes and sliced them), chicken, pine nuts, basil, and bocconcini cheese (Not gonna lie. Definitely had to look at the image in order to spell that fancy cheese correctly). bocconcini cheese
To die for. Didn’t really realize how strong of a taste basil has. First few bites I was doubting the meal, but once I got into it — it was numba one. I would definitely recommend. It’s so quick and easy to put together too. Plus, hello bonus? I have leftovers. This will definitely be a weekly staple in the household. May not add fresh basil each time. quinoa-capreses

What do you cook when you’re too tired/lazy to make a meal?

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I forgot to mention I was over on Happy Fit Mama’s site yesterday doing a guest post talking about my favorite summer foods. Check it out if you’ve got the chance.

Love that today is already Friday and pay day. Bonus. Since we had a civic holiday in Ontario on Monday, the week just flew on by. Newfoundland did not get the holiday though, but did get Wednesday off due to the annual Regatta.

Just want to say how GLAD I am that summer decided to make a reappearance. This may sound weird, but I love being overheated. I wear a company hoody over top of my regular work clothes almost every day. I just love being cozy and warm, so finally seeing the sun out the past two days is definitely making me happier. Thanks Ma-Nature!

To take advantage of the gorgeous sun that was out yesterday, my co-worker and I went to a Portuguese bakery & deli. A different co-worker asked where we went for lunch, and this was my answer:

“I ate at the best place today! Lesbian for lunch”. Not even close: Lisboa Bakery and Deli
Uh. Totally came out wrong. I forgot the name of the place and that is what I blurted out. HAHAHA. Then that was the running joke of the entire afternoon.

My lunch was just a plain chicken sandwich but the garlic mayo and fresh bun definitely left me wanting more. It was a decent price too.Lunch

I also got a sparkling passion fruit drink with my meal. It tasted kinda weird, but I liked it.lunch2
For dessert we went across the street for Marble Slab Creamery ice cream. I’ve never been there before. It’s neat that they scoop your ice cream and add any toppings you want and it gets mashed together on this ….frozen marble slab. I got Rocky Road. It was way too expensive for what its worth. I’ll stick to Menchies, or this one gelato place near my house.dessert
I’m not the biggest fan of Winter (least fav season) but I do love Fall. I don’t ever want to rush away the seasons, or months. I want to enjoy living in the moment and not look too forward into the future. Know what I’m getting at? Let’s enjoy what we’ve got, right here, right now.

This post is all over the place but I wanted to share the blog-love today with some new (to me) blogs and some good posts I found this week.

Asling @ Sunny Side Up
Not just a cool name. She also has a delicious looking food blog.

Leanne @ Fresh-Season
My Newfoundlander blog-friend is moving from Ottawa to Toronto this month! Hopefully we’ll get to meet face-to-face in the next little while.

Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats
A long time fav blogger of mine, who just had a baby boy named Lincoln.

Char Eats Greens
Hilarious new (can I say she’s new if her babe is 7+ mths old? lol) Mom who is a plant based eater and has some great recipes to share.

Michelle & Lori @ Purely Twins
These ladies made gluten free & egg free COCOA PUFFS CEREAL! Recipe is in the link above. Omg.

Onto the outfits I wore this week to work!ootww

What are your plans this weekend?
I’m overdue for a visit to the Farmer’s Market and need to purchase some fresh produce this weekend, so that’s what I’ll be doing in the morning.

Do you purchase your produce from a Farmer’s Market?

Have you ever had Portuguese food?

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Healthy Snacking Tips

eat-clean-fuel-your-bodyGotta admit. At work I have the worst self control. I’ve been known to keep unhealthy treats at work in my desk. Pre-Paleo it consisted of york peppermint patties, chocolate bars, and candies.

Time to empty your treat drawer, or treat cupboards at home (we don’t keep treats at home, so it’s easy there). As I said, I’m much more tempted at work to eat something that isn’t the most nutritious so I need to be readily prepared for when hunger strikes.

When looking for a good snack to help keep you on track, you mainly want to look for foods that will keep you feeling satisfied until the next time that you eat. You know, so you won’t go overboard at your next meal.

This is where foods with volume, fiber, protein and fresh foods will come in handy.paleo snack

Fruit: Apples, berries, peaches, or unsweetened dried mango. Don’t go hog wild with this because fruits still contain a lot of sugar. Limit yourself to 1-2 pieces a day.berries
Handful of trail mix you made yourself. I love creating my own trail mix from Bulk Barn. I only stock up when they have a $3 off coupon online and buy in bulk. Yes, those are m&ms. Moderation people.trail mix
Tuna: So healthy but limit your intake on tuna due to its high mercury content. Below I’ve added bell peppers, carrots, celery and pecans to the tuna. can of tuna3
Kind bars. I only grab one of these when I’m not prepared or extra hungry that day for a snack. These are healthy and pretty delicious. Just look at the back of the package for ingredients and nutritional value.kindbar
Fresh vegetables: Carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes. Eat as much of it as you want. Do not limit yourself.veggies

If you fill yourself up with these snacks in between your meals, you’re going to notice a huge difference in feeling satisfied, less bloated and overall making better choices for your next meals.

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