My CrossFit Journal Year 2 Week 19

Ahem. It’s been a few weeks, since I’ve done a weekly recap of my workouts at CrossFit. I’m getting back into it today.

Wish I had some photos to keep it more visually interesting for you guys. Perhaps next week I’ll google some instructional images for you to all understand what we’re doing at CrossFit. Is that something you’d like to see? Let me know in the comments!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 19, day 1

Strict Pullups

Ring Dips
KB Swings
Box Jumps

For the strict pullups I used a black band. For the last set I used a red one. Gettin’ stronger with strict!

For the WOD I used 16kg for the KB swings. Rx was 24kg for women I think. Nuts. My time for completing it was 10:07


year 2, week 19, day 2

10-1 Deadlifts 1.5x bodyweight
1-10 Tru Pushups (on the rings)
*200m run between rounds

I used 105lbs for the deadlifts, and completed the rounds. I was on the few tru pushups when the timer went off. I would’ve had to finish off with a run. I think we had 21 minutes to complete this.

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Well sweet baby moses out of the heavens. I thought I’d jump right back into CrossFit this week after a 3.5 week break. I went twice this week already and I’m constantly sore. I can’t lift my left arm up over my head at the moment. When I stepped inside CrossFit this week, a few people were asking where I’ve been. Didn’t really mean to take a 3 week break, I was only on vacation 10 days haha.

Either way, I’m glad it’s Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow. I’ve been waking up at 6:30 every morning just so I could actually wake up before heading into work. I started eating paleo again. On day 1 I cheated a few times with starbucks passion tea lemonade, jujubes and homemade pizza. But day 2 and now day 3 (today) is all strict. I’m still undecided if I want to do strict paleo or paleo every day of the week and have 1 cheat meal on the weekend. Not breakfast, lunch and dinner. One or the other. Tough decisions over on my end hey? ;) If you want to follow me on instagram, I’ve been uploading everything I’ve been eating on there.

Here we go with the outfits I wore to work this week:


Have any weekend plans?
The boyf and I are driving to Stratford to see a theatre show. We scored tickets for $13 each! Usually they’re upwards to $100!

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 2 Week 14)

I felt so strong at CrossFit last week. Paleo is definitely helping me get stronger. I was going up in (lifting) weight like nobodies business!

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 14, day 1

EMOM 10 (Every minute on the minute for 10 mins)
1 power clean + 1 squat clean to thruster

What I used: For the first few rounds I did 70lbs, then I ended up putting on 2.5lb plates on making it 75lbs for the last few! Thrusters were the hardest. But I love power clean and thrusters/push-presses, so it was a pretty good WOD.

400m run
25 pushups

What I completed: I did 3 full rounds, did another 400m run and 13 pushups. So close to finishing the 4th round.


year 2, week 14, day 2

KB swing
KB lunges
KB overhead situps

I used a 12kg weight, and finished in 17:43!


year 2, week 14, day 3

Every other minute (loads of rest!)
10 minutes / 5 rounds
1 deadlift
2 hang clean (power or squat)
3 front squats

I used 75lbs for the first three rounds, and then bumped it to 80lbs for the last two!!

-Rest 3 minutes-

12 toes to bar
12 KB snatch 12 burpees

I did three full rounds, then did the 12 T2b, 12 KB snatches and 8 more burpees.

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