I’m craving orange juice

Tropicana Orange juice too. The good kind.

I admit, I do not get my recommend 8 servings of water (or anything liquid for that matter) per day. Mainly because I HATE going to the washroom constantly, especially while at work. I hate being disturbed in that sense. Today I went to tinkle 4 times, in just the morning alone. I admit, I was thirsty but I only had three mug fulls of water from the cooler. I also really don’t like it that I have to walk a good three minutes to get to the washroom while at work, and I get chilled because I have to walk through the porch area, as we are connected to another building, and do not have a washroom in ours. Iiiiiii know. So ya. I guess I don’t really take care of my body in that way, but I never really feel thirsty or dehydrated in any sense. I assume from lack of fluids like that, it could be harmful in some sort of way? But perhaps my body is used to it.

I’m gone to buy some OJ from the cafeteria.


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