My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 40)

Before I emerge myself in writing this blog post. I want to give all of my love, and thoughts to everyone involved in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting on Friday. There just are no words to express, so I just want to mention that I’m thinking of them all.


I filled out a December workout calendar and stuck it on our fridge at home. It keeps me accountable, and also lets me know what the Boyf is up to during the week, since I always seem to forget his schedule – even though it hasn’t changed in three years… oops.

december schedule

(Mine is the one on top)

Sunday through Thursday is when I workout, and I get Friday and Saturday’s off. I’m pretty proud of myself keeping it up! Boyf’s schedule isn’t really set in stone and has “gaps” because he usually cycles 4x/week, not twice like its listed on the schedule.

The short:

M – CrossFit (+ 40 pushups)
T – CrossFit (+ 41 pushups)
W – Soccer (+ 42 pushups)
Th – CrossFit (+ 43 pushups)
F – Rest Day (+ 44 pushups)
S – Rest Day (+ 45 pushups)
S –
Run 5.5km (+46 pushups)

50daypushToday marks day 47 of the 50 day pushup challenge. So close yet soo far away, haha! I think I’ll write a blog post once it’s all finished. Who knows. I’m getting pretty sick of talking about it. But at the same time, I don’t want to stop. We’ll see how it goes.

year 1, week 40, day one


For the deadlifts I ended up getting up to 145lbs, but only did one because we were running out of time and I didn’t want to hurt myself. I feel so strong! Arr! haha

For Time:
5 Rounds
20 KB Swings 24/16kg
30 Squats

There was a time limit on this one, 18 minutes. I actually tried to do the handstand push-ups for this one, and I set up 2 ab mats, plus a 10lb plate to rise it up. I did them all for three full rounds and on my fourth round I decided to do dive-bombers instead. I was starting my fifth and final round and completed 12 KB swings, and the timer went off.


year 1, week 40, day two

I have no recollection of this CrossFit WOD. I forgot to e-mail myself details of it, and had to scroll back through my local CrossFit’s website to get the WOD to write my blog post.

3 Rounds

10 RS KB Clean & Press;24/16kg
5 Strict Chin ups
50 D/U (or 150 skips)
10 LS KB Clean & Press;24/16kg
5 Strict Chin ups
50 D/U (or 150 skips)

I do remember having bruised forearms from doing the clean and presses with the kettle bells. Don’t remember if I finished in the time allotted or not.


year 1, week 40, day three

Had a ten o’clock soccer game this Wednesday evening. I’m getting back into the swing of things with soccer. Not so afraid to go after the ball any more, and I’m getting a bit more aggressive. Still not loving it as much though. The end.


year 1, week 40, day four

4 Rope Climbs
30 Box Jumps [30/24]
3 Rope Climbs
25 Box Jumps
2 Rope Climbs
20 Box Jumps
1 Rope Climb
15 Box Jumps

Remember to bring long socks or pants for the rope climbs!

Instead of the rope climbs the scaled version of the WOD was this:


*15 supines
*15 pushup
Box jumps 24″

That may look confusing to those that don’t know what it means. It went something like this:

  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 30 box jumps on a 24″ box
  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 25 box jumps on a 24″ box
  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 20 box jumps on a 24″ box
  • 15 supines, 15 pushups then 15 box jumps on a 24″ box

I finished the twenty minute time limit WOD in 18:53.

Oh I just love those type of cardio speed work WODs. I ended up being the FIRST one finished. But that’s not really saying anything because 90% of the class were new CrossFitters. Either way I felt pretty good during it!


year 1, week 40, day five

5.5km run incorporating two hills with my coach on Sunday mid-morning in the misty/sometimes pouring rain, and surprisingly I didn’t mind it. Who have I turned into!? He sneakily incorporated two hills to see what I was capable of. I’ve been enjoying my runs lately and haven’t had the need to stop and rest/walk. Instead, I slow down to get my breathing back down and even then it doesn’t seem like i need to do it that often any more. Keep on truckin!

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