My bingo wearing boots

Having a tablet is quite dangerous and so convenient all at the same time, let me tell you.

Dangerous as I carry it into bed, ‘browsing’ online stores turns into full fledged shopping. Rash decisions are made and purchases are bought. But it’s so convenient, and light weight compared to a laptop or duh… a computer. Like I’d carry that around in my lap all day.

I just got a check up at my Doctor’s office since I haven’t had one in about 6 years. I know. Bad. I never go because I’m never sick, and her office is all the way out in Guelph. It’s far!

While I was in the waiting room, rather than flicking through those dirty germy magazines from 5 years ago, I brought my tablet. I didn’t take photos of myself using it in the quiet office. Because my Blackberry makes this loud “kaahcchuhh” sound when I snap a picture. It would’ve been weird. Let’s just imagine, shall we? Here’s a prettier visual than a scary doctor’s

I’ve loaded up my Nexus 7 tablet with a bunch of games to play, when I’m “stuck” in places like the Doctor’s office. Definitely enjoying Candy Crush, and Minion Rush.

My doctor commented on my boots. Made me feel awesome. Do you like them?

I bought these suede Tahari boots a few years ago from Winners (like Marshalls or TJ Maxx) and I’ve kept them in tip top shape and have never dared to wear them once outside, if the weather was iffy. Mind you, the very first time I did wear them I spilled hot chocolate over the toes. Thankfully my Boyfriend is the stain remover king and got it out while I had to sit in the other room, rocking back and forth trying not to pester him asking if the stain came out.

I usually love to pair my fancy heel boots with black pants and fall earth tone colours. I’ve been told that those colours look best on me and I have to agree. ;)

Can’t go wrong with wearing a simple top, with some jeans and these boots! Am I right or am I right? Don’t answer that. Leanne will probably tell me to head to the legion and go play bingo in my cowboy suede boots.

Do you have a favourite article of clothing, or shoes?

What is your favourite season?

What colours do you tend to wear the most?

How often do you shop online?

When’s the last time you saw your Doctor?

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BlackBerry z10, dog toots, and new blogs

For frig sake I am some sick of this cough. I still have a bit of it and this is going on day 9 or 10. I’ve lost count. I spent a ton of money on cough med’s that did nothing since it was a viral infection, and not bacterial. I thought it would soothe my cough in the night time at least, when it got the worst. No dice. $30+ gone in cold pills, day time cough syrup, and nyquil. Oh well, if The Guy catches it, maybe he can take some of the meds. Ha.

Since I haven’t worked out in a good week or more, I’ve been lounging around the apartment, putting on my PJs right after work and hanging out with my iPad or Nexus 7 for the night. Watching YouTube videos, reading blogs and surfing the internet, longing for some summer sun. California sounds great right now.

We went shopping on “Black Friday” in Canada at like 8 o’clock at night. My boyfriend is a bargain hunter and insisted we go to a few stores to scope out some deals. Of course there weren’t any. I could’ve told him that. But I did manage to get a Santa mug for my tea and hot chocolate’s. I’ll be bringing this mister mug to work with me. Santa mug

OMG exciting news. At work we are finally upgrading our BlackBerries. I don’t even know how old the blackberry I have is, but it’s old. Ancient even. You can see it in my What’s In My Purse post.

I went for the Z10, because hey change is good.

Even if my fingers want to hate typing on just a touch screen for the first few weeks. How about I don’t add anyone buy the Boyf to my BBM for the first few weeks? Then I won’t look like I’m drunk all the time.

blackberry elevatorSupport local!

I definitely will require a case for it. I drop my current blackberry about 4 times a day, and that’s under estimating. It’s probably more, but I don’t like to admit it. We’re totally upgrading at work all at once. Look at my new fancy monitor (and computer which you can’t see). We’ve also upgraded from Adobe CS4 to CC! Very exciting news for a Graphic Designer. It’s incredibly wide.wide screen monitor with adobe cc

Last night I swear we were being attacked by nuclear bombs going off. It sounded like gun shots outside. So like a smarty pants I ran outside in my PJs with Alfie in tow to see what the F was happening. It was a ton of fireworks put on by the city, just 500 feet from our balcony. It was incredible, so loud I couldn’t hear The Guy talk to me, and Alfie was frightened to death with his nails dug into my neck. It was so long, too. Like a 20 minute show. That’s never happened before, but I guess since it was the anniversary of the winter wonderland thing in the park, they decided to celebrate. Thanks for the notice. I’m glad I wasn’t one of the little old ladies in my building. Bet their hearts skipped a few beats hearing the first few fireworks going off.

I have officially exhausted the internets. I’m not officially done babying this cold I’m on the internet more often than not. I went on Twitter last night asking for some new blogs to read and a few people got back to me with some new sites to read. Love that! Thanks guys, you got some pretty nice sites on the go. I want to share them, in case my readers want to go take a peek at your blogs too!

It’s a Harleyyy Life is run by Danielle and her photos from Thanksgiving just kills me. I left a comment on her site saying I wish I had some American friends in Canada so I could celebrate Thanksgiving with them for a second time this year. Loves a bitta turkey and them fixin’s. Hoo wee. Actually, at work in December we’re getting a catered Turkey dinner lunch. My stomach is excited about that. Already noting to wear stretchy pants that day.

Run For It is written by Gene, and as you could probably take a wild guess from the blog name, it’s a running blog. Reading his site made me feel guilty for not getting out in my new Mizuno’s for the past week or so. I’ve been slacking. I should start a pact with myself. Or you guys. To make sure I get out for a run at least once a week, even if it’s only for 1-2 kilometres. Because let’s get real, the most I ever want (or will) do is 6kms lol.

Alfie on my lapWell I think it’s time to finish up this blog post. Alfie just tooted on my lap. One of those SBD (silent but deadly) farts. How does one small little 9 pounder make such a stench. Ugh. Even writing that sentence, breathing through my nose is just too much. Bye guys ;)

What were you up to this weekend?
Random note. I painted mynails with my first ever Zoya nail polish. It chipped a bunch of times within the first 24hours. I don’t know if it’s because I used my globby Seche Vite polish on top, or what. Also the polish was matte. What’s up with that? Are all Zoya’s matte? Lame.

What kind of cell phone do you have?

Who are your favourite bloggers? I’d love to read some, so leave some links down below!

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What’s In My Purse?

I figured since last week I wrote a What’s In My Make Up Bag post, I thought I’d continue the trend and let you see what I carry in my purse. My post needed to be updated since I did a What’s In My Purse back in May of last year.

I tend to swap out my purses from week to week, so this week I’ve been using my navy blue ASOS bag. Next week I could resort back to my fun colourful Fossil bag. Whats-in-my-bag

I think this purse looks so cozy and ready for a snow fall, doesn’t it? Paired with my Newfie mittens and a cuppa joe. We’re grand. Let. It. Snow.

So, let’s take a peek inside my purse where I show you what I carry around with me on a daily basis. whats-inside-my-purse

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