BlissDom Canada 2013 recap

My first official day at BlissDom started off with an amazing breakfast which I’m positive I took a photo of, which inconveniently disappeared somehow. Either way I have way more exciting photos to share with your besides the food that went into my belly.

I actually couldn’t contain myself and the newcomers night, I popped into the Philosophy area and took all these great pictures. They had a cozy sitting area with some treats. I tried all of them out, naturally. Each day, Philosophy had a different gift basket to win. You betcha I put my name into their draw.philosophy-treats

I also didn’t “get” how CotyPrestigeCA, Philosophy and Veritas all were in the one same spot, under Philosophy. But Kim, who is the PR manager at Coty, explained it all to me. I was lookin’ a little confused ;) Isn’t she gorgeous? Super friendly too. I clearly didn’t know who she was at first when she came to introduce herself to me. But now I know the face behind the name. Tada, selfie time. Kim-from-Coty-and-I

I had a skin consultation the next day with Robin (taller woman) and told me I was a nut. In a good way. HAHA. She clearly knows her stuff. I guess she would seeing how she’s the director of international education and global press at philosophy. Hi Sarah too, yay!!philosophy-girls-and-i

She flew in all the way from NYC (can I be her?) to tell us all about Philosophy. The first thing she mentioned to me when I sat down to get a consult, was “Tell me what products you already have/know about from here.” I swear, I pointed out over 60% of the products. I think she suggested I sit back down after I was like “Oh .. and this too. I love this product.” She must’ve read my mind, because when I sat down with her she gave me a lot of information about the Miracle Worker with retinoid treatment. Something I’ve been looking to get into, but keep forgetting to read about it, or ask people about it.


Philosophy even had this pretty decorative tree in their area and asked you to write on these pieces of paper #WhatReallyMatters. What matters to me? My family in Newfoundland. Can I receive a collective “awww” please?

I walked around to most of the sponsors that were there and just chatted with them. As much as I thought I’d be intimidated being at the conference by myself, it actually pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me walk up and chat to the sponsors, and bloggers. I definitely got comfortable with being uncomfortable. In fact, I felt so outgoing this weekend, that I even chatted to the housekeeping woman on the floor I was staying on. Her name is Mira, and she was very sweet. We bonded over talks about me being a housekeeper at the hospital in Newfoundland. Then told me I was very friendly, and it must’ve been because I was from Newfoundland. Found out one of her co-workers was also from there. Mira, like the nice lady she is, hooked me up with handfuls of more Philosophy goodies for my room. YES. Delta Meadowvale uses Philosophy at their hotel. I know!!mira-cleaning-lady

Next stop was over to the Collective Bias suite where I hung out and drank copious amounts of Tetley throughout the weekend. I balanced it all between this room, and the Tim Hortons room. I also met a few more people that I’ve been dealing with over e-mail for the past 2-ish years. I mean, Bailey flew in from Arizona USA to come up to BlissDom. Amazing, right? I also put a face to 3SP Media, and it was great to meet those two men. We had a bit of an awkward encounter when I introduced myself. I said, Bonjourno. Then followed up with a “uh. Wait. Don’t talk french to me. I only know English. Not that Bonjourno is French or anything.” One of the men laughed and told me no, it was just bad Italian. Ha ha ha.cbias-room-and-tetley

Once I had some more caffeine in my system to keep me going I spotted Lena in the hotel lobby. I’ve never met her before, and I swear I was more excited to meet her than I would’ve Oprah. I didn’t keep my cool at all. I had a complete fan-girl-alert meltdown. I know, right? What was I thinking? I hope she doesn’t think I’m crazy.listen2lena-and-spiffykerms

MC DONALD’S  SPONSORED LUNCH. Holy craperdoodles. Can I come back every year to BlissDom? As you guys know, if I’m a fan of something I rave about it. Constantly. Sometimes I do it subconsciously. Like I do with McDonalds. I mean for heaven sakes, I go there for Valentines Day with the Boyf each year. It’s been an 8 year tradition! See? and oh… see? mcdonalds-lunch

Jared, the guy behind McDonalds Canada on twitter came up to me over lunch. He was in a suit. I didn’t know who he was. I mean, why would you? He didn’t look like Ronald McDonald. He introduced himself and told me I was their biggest fan, ever. BAHAHAHAHA. How embarrassing. But true, none the less. I told JB I was surprised I wasn’t fat from eating it all the time. Which, now that I think of it — probably wasn’t the best thing to say. Anyway. He surprised me and told me that it’s probably because I do so much CrossFit. WHAT! I know. McDonalds knows me. Crazy huh? I was impressed. Not only that, he had this awesome Australian accent. And? Scored some more free McDonalds coupons. Heck yea I ain’t sharin’. Sorry I chopped off your head Jared.jared-mcdonalds-man

I knew Brandy, one of my “readers” (I find it funny to type that) was going to be at the conference and I couldn’t find her for a day and a half. Her and I were tweeting back and forth trying to meet up with one another but ended up crossing paths as I was heading back to the hotel room! Soo glad I met you B! Like everyone said. I love your voice, it’s so cute :) I hope you had an amazing time at BlissDom!brandy-and-i

My belly was satisfied from eating a Spicy Thai Chicken Chili wrap, some apple slices and 2 cans of coke (don’t judge). It was time to walk it off. But not at the gym. Ain’t nobody got time for that, especially when I could be writing cards to my friends. I sent two Hallmark cards, one to Kaitlin at Chevrolet Canada for sending me to BlissDom, and one to Philosophy. Of course. Thanks for supplying us with goodies, Hallmark! Fun!hallmark

At one point throughout the day I went to the Tim Hortons suite. Probably drink more tea and sit on their massive bean bag chairs. Tim-Hortons-Room

They had a decorating your own donut contest. I can’t think creatively on the spot like that so I just made mine to be a dipped chocolate donut with some candy. I surprisingly didn’t go overboard with the decorating. The white chocolate donut next to mine in the upper right hand corner actually says something on it. Can you read it? It says Lazy Day! Justin made it, and I thought it was brilliant. And talented. tim-hortons-at-blissdom

I met Justin and his wife Dayna the night before and they hooked me up with a bunch of swag from Chapmans. You betcha I was their first swag-receiver. Ice cream calls I’m the girl that’s first in line. Thanks so much guys! I swear I was in their hotel room a good hour or more, just talking to them about blogging. They were great, really.chapmans-icecream

More ladies hear the sounds of icecream and came up, too! @ASweetBaker, @MyDustBunnies, Me, @TransformTheNow, and @FanofPreemies.chapmans swag

They weren’t the only folks handing out swag. I put together little packages of Make Up For Ever mascara minis to give away to 11 lucky people at the conference. @Mom2Michael, @alimentageuse, @ThisBirdsDay, @FanofPreemies, @LSSocialEngage, @InSearchOfYummy, @JacEarnst, @MyDustBunnies,  @LazyDayCA, @ASweetBaker, and @TransformTheNow.make-up-for-ever-gifts

I knew the Great Canadian Outdoors Party was later on in the evening, so I decided to primp and prime my hair by getting it done with the The Beauty Team. Fitting name. My hair never looks good, it had to be documented. By the way, yea — I totally lived in my MPG hoody all weekend long. I was known as the coral hoody girl at some points.curly-hair

Two red carpets in one day? (McDonalds had one at Lunch). I feel spoiled. Supper was provided by Maple Leaf. There was a tent set up outside, and everything was bacon themed. Can’t say no to bacon, am I right?tent-for-mapleleaf

It looked luxe with the chandeliers and fire thingies (technical term).fancy-tent-area

Bacon encrusted chicken strips. Bacon and cheese wrapped around a hot dog? I’m in my element, right here, right now.maple-leaf-supper

Once the sun went down, we had some musical entertainment for the night. Tenille, an 18 year old country singer set the stage. Tenille-at-BlissDom

Up next, was Jully Black. You know the song Seven Day Fool? That’s her!!!jully-black-blissdom

Sarah & Jesse LaBelle (you’ll know him from the song Heartbreak Cover Up) was also at BlissDom, sitting in on one of the panels about Cyber Bullying. jesse-labelle

The night was SO much fun. I met Julia aka NuggleMama that day and was thrilled to finally meet her in person!, that we took a ridiculous amount of pics together :) No harm in that.jac-and-julia

Dayna‘s make up looked great this night!dayna-and-i

I don’t know how many glasses of wine I drank, but I finally needed to just go inside and sit down. This is when I met Julie Nowell, who gave me a huge pep talk on my blog. We have similar personality traits and I feel like she reminds me of one of my cousins, it was so easy to talk to her, and spill my guts about stuff. Plus? SHE LIVES ON A FARM! Chickens and ducks. She needs to get some goats. julie-nowell-and-i

Next up… the final day at BlissDom with Lentils, PayPal and a PJ party.

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Long Weekend Eats

I’ve always been fond of Labour Day weekend. Perhaps it’s because it’s my two love-birds of parents anniversary on the 4th. Or it’s the last hurrah before my favorite season comes out to play.

Gotta admit though, I felt a little jipped this summer with the weather. Where was Ma Nature in July? We’re getting heat this weekend but it makes me long for it even more. Putting my woes aside, I’m about to tell you all about our weekend even though it is only half way over.

We did a bit of relaxing out on the balcony, watching the thunder storm and having a few snacks and bevvies. Pardon the iPad photo.
Even though my boyfriends major race of the year is now over (Ironman Mont Tremblant) he’s still going strong in September. Yesterday he booked it down close to the USA boarder to Chatham for a time trial bike with one of his friends. That left me with the entire day to myself. Which usually results in a lot of money spent when I’m bored, hungry and need groceries.

I didn’t go too hog wild because I would’ve had to carry up all the groceries myself from the car and I dislike making multiple trips. 3 bags of groceries from 4 different places, including a trip to the Farmer’s Market and a stop into the Health Food Store.

Oh and to Target to pick up these sweet kicks for $19. I can’t wait til they’re broken in and look more rugged. target-mossimo-katelyn-boot

baggu-bagsLet’s see what we’ve got in here.

groceriesSorta left to right starting clockwise at 11pm ;) Hemp Hearts (on sale!) // Vegan Tomato & Avocado vinaigrette // Farmers Market Peaches // Sweet Corn // Light Havarti // Red Peppers // Broccoli // Sprouts // Apples // Tomato // Vegan Gluten Free Brownie // Lara Bar // Dempster’s Thins // Dried Unsweetened Mango.

Total: $26.31

And because I felt like it, I went to the drive-thru and got myself some lunch for under four bucks, thanks to dollar drink

I made some pretty mouth-watering meals this weekend, won’t lie. Then again, we’re pretty easy to please.

Supper consisted of a roast chicken breast // white roasted potatoes // Farmers Market corn on the cob (best I’ve had in years. Thanks Herrles) // and Herrles carrotssupper

Breakfast one morning on our balcony.  Multi-grain Dempster’s Thins // Sausages // Maple Leaf Prime bacon // Farmers Market peaches from Herrles // Egg omelet with mushrooms, peppers, and tomatoesbreakfast-with-dempsters-th

I got a little creative with lunch over the weekend and made a really healthy plate of finger foods for us to eat on the balcony again. Sandwhich ingredients: Multi-grain Dempster’s Thins // Sprouts // Red Pepper // Tomato // Mushrooms // Spring Mix // Chicken // Light Havarti // Roasted Red Pepper Aioli.DempstersThins-sandwich

Apple with a vegan gluten-free brownie which was still so terribly unhealthy (ingredients list had shortening which is worse for you than lard. Shortening has tons of trans fat). Oops. Read your labels folks! Didn’t realize it until the boyf scolded me after I showed him the brownie and raved how wonderful it tasted, then brought up the ingredients photo. Lol.vegan-gf-brownie

You may have noticed a reoccurring trend in my meals above with the Multi-grain Dempster’s Thins. I’m currently working with them on a campaign to promote their products. My Boyfriend always buys bread as he carb loads like crazy on a daily basis. He doesn’t stop running around (literally), swimming and biking for 5+ hours. In fact, he’s out on his tri bike right now with a friend for a 200km ride.

Since I stopped eating Paleo I’ve slowly incorporated carbs back into my diet. I love ciabatta bun sandwiches but often times it leaves me feeling bloated as it’s such a thick piece of bread. Using the Dempster’s Thins I have the best of both worlds. No bloating since they’re thin and getting to dive into luxury with a bit of carbs in my belly and not worry about the calorie intake so much. In fact, Dempster’s Thins have 50% less calories than their leading whole wheat bread. Obviously due to the fact that the bread is much thinner and you’re eating substantially less. But that’s the point. We don’t need to eat a ton more! I’m completely satisfied with the thin bread.

I’d like to share some coupons with you guys if you wanted to buy them for yourself this week with the kids going back to school, or you just going back to work and want to be prepared ahead of time.

Coupon for DempstersTHINSSave a $1 on your next Dempster’s product.

If you’re on Twitter and are around on September 10 at 9PM EST, Dempster’s Thins is having a Twitter Party! The hashtag being used will be #WinWithTHINS with over $1,000 prizes including a Nike + FuelBand. Would love to see you there!

And for those one’s who want to win a little somethin’-somethin’,  I’ve got a little something up my sleeve. Sandwich crumbs? No no silly, a giveaway for my Canadian readers. More Dempster’s coupons! 8 of them in fact.

Be sure to stay in the loop with them on their Social Media channels:

Onto the giveaway! Canadian residents only. Contest ends on September 10th at 11:50pm EST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Summer carb addiction

I wish I had taken a photo of my supper tonight. I had another set of chicken wraps made with the always juicy Maple Leaf Prime chicken breasts.

I will never get sick of making these, or eating chicken altogether.

For the past few months all we’ve been eating is chicken or pork. That’s it. Sometimes fish. I should start diversifying our meals and get back onto doing my weekly menu’s. It definitely saves a lot of time, especially when you don’t have that much of it.

I know this isn’t a valid excuse, in fact it’s a great one because I’m keeping my health my #1 priority right now. My schedule is just honestly jam-packed in the evenings. I’m trying out new work out’s with my co-worker L. Yoga, TRX, Running, Climbing and of course keeping CrossFit going as well. I love keeping my workouts different from each other. That way I can never get bored.

I was like a starved gull there tonight and really didn’t feel like making anything gourmet-like. So it’s either been chicken wraps or chicken sandwiches on these new ACE chewy ciabatta buns found at Zehrs and Sobeys. They’re amazing!!

Okay so it looks like I’ve lied and I only eat those ciabatta buns. I do make those wraps at least once a week for either lunch or supper. I guess I’m too hungry to take a photo of them before I eat.

I even order them when I’m out at restaurants! You may remember this photo that I posted a few weeks ago, when I was up in Ottawa visiting my bestie.

I usually keep the recipe fairly the same with a few different variations to it:

  1. Fresh mushrooms
  2. Bell peppers
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Spring mix lettuce
  5. Boneless skinless maple leaf prime chicken breasts
  6. Ranch dressing


  1. Grated cheese
  2. Red bell pepper
  3. Boneless skinless maple leaf prime chicken breasts
  4. Lettuce
  5. Roasted red pepper aoili 

The last one listed is my go-to sandwich or wrap, it’s soo crunchy and fresh. Especially good served with a side of in season veggies.

I’ve scoped out the Maple Leaf Prime website for some new wrap ideas.

Like the Chicken Artichoke wrap (minus the olives) and…

I’m sure my Boyfriend would love the Buffalo Chicken wrap much more.

What is your favorite way to prepare chicken?

What meal to you make for you/your family when you don’t have much time?

You can find more information about Maple Leaf Prime on their Facebook page, Twitter, and even Pinterest!

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