Tea Sparrow

Hope everyone had a nice weekend or what’s left of it!

So, Tea Sparrow must’ve read my mind (or twitter and instagram feed) on how much tea I’ve been ingesting and asked if I’d like to sample their march monthly tea box.

Four-Tea-Sparrow-teasEXCITED! Even my instagram friends were excited for me in that one pic. Ha!

My doorbell rang earlier in the morning and it was the town house staff mentioning some maintenance they were going to do on the homes next week. About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang again… making Alfie go on a rampage (he hates anything out of the ordinary and barks like wild). I ran downstairs but nobody was there. So it scared me. Lol. I looked out the peep-hole and no one was there.

Tea-Sparrow-shipping-boxThankfully, it wasn’t an intruder. The Tea Sparrow box was just dropped off at my doorstep. YAY!

4-teas-one-boxI’ve never heard of this company before, but they’re Canadian so I thought why the hey not. They’re based out of Vancouver B.C and is North America’s first monthly tea subscription box. It’ll cost you $20 a month and you’ll have 4 different varieties of herbal and caffeinated loose leaf tea that will total around 35 cups of tea. One thing I like about Tea Sparrow, is that they have free shipping for Canada and continental USA.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drinking tea and never a pot of coffee. In fact I can count on one hand, how many times I’ve had hot coffee. I’m greatly affected when I drink it — which can be fun, but tastes gross unless it’s iced. Am I making any sense?

With my time of exploring the sights of California, I’ve been dying to get my hands on some orange pekoe tetley tea. I’ve found some Tetley, but not that flavour. Either way, I’ve been trying out different kinds from all sorts of stores I’ve dropped in on. Most are posted on my instagram feed.

White-Tea-ChampagneThis flavour of White Tea Champagne? Definitely the first one I dug into. It’s pretty much the bees knees. I’ll be drinking that one on the regular.

Loose-Leaf-Tea-from-Tea-SparrowI’ve never had loose leaf tea before, mainly because I haven’t bought a steeper. Seeing the loose “stuff” in it was kinda neat. No wonder it smelled so good. Tons going on in just a tablespoon.

White Tea Champagne is described as:
White tea with a fresh sparkling note of champagne and cassis.

White tea, black and red currants, balm leaves,
lemon grass, cornflower and sunflower blossoms.

Steeped-TeaWhite Tea Champagne shown above. I’m not too complex of a tea person. I have my tea pot, and little sweetener jar to match but the way I go about it is definitely not fancy at all. I boil water in a cooking pot and then dump it into my tea pot. Or in this case, since Tea Sparrow tea’s are loose leaf — I borrowed my friend’s steeper thing and it worked perfectly fine.

Sipping-on-Hot-TeaI steeped the tea for a total of 5 minutes. I like strong tea. First sip with my St. John’s Newfoundland mug… represent!

LunchSet up for a nice healthy lunch. Leftover quesadillas? Best kind.

Tea-SparrowIs anyone interested in me reviewing the other 3 flavours? Each monthly Tea Sparrow box will be different but you can order them on the websites shown on the front of the tea packages.

Tea-shelfTea Sparrow bags just chillin out in the cupboard with all the other teas I’ve bought since moving here.

Best part — if you guys want to sign up you get 60% off your first Tea Sparrow box. The password is “teas”

If you like them, you can subscribe monthly. Here’s the run down:

  • A One Time Tea Box - one Tea Box, one time ($25)
  • 3 Month Prepaid Subscription - three tea boxes over three months ($66)
  • 6 Month Prepaid Subscription - six tea boxes over six months ($120)
  • Ongoing subscription - here you can subscribe for ongoing tea boxes at $20 per month.  You can start/ pause/ stop this subscription at any time.

Disclosure: Duh, of course I received the first monthly box to review for free. I had no idea who they were when they contacted me. Since I love tea, I obliged. Review is my own, as always friends! (Who’s isn’t?)

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Wunder Unders, Blogger Meetups and Jamba Juice

I feel so lucky that we have a gym in our complex. The Guy and I take advantage of it and go together when he gets off work.

30-Min-Treadmill-WorkoutI completed this thirty minute treadmill workout that was tough towards the end. I actually had to stop at 29:30 because I couldn’t keep my breathing up. It was a toughy! It’ll take you to about 2.5 miles after you’re finished. Which isn’t so bad considering the 10 minutes of it you’re just walking at 4.0.

CrossFit Waterloo tee, MPG leggings, Mizuno sneakersAfter last night’s treadmill workout, I woke up at the crack of dawn in the best kind of a mood. Who am I? Why was I awake so early? I decided to listen to my body and just get up out of bed, have some breakfast and then put on some comfy clothes before heading out the door to drive to beautiful Santana Row to run some errands. Definitely missing my old CrossFit Waterloo gym, so I decided to represent them today around town. 

Santana-RowIsn’t it beautiful?

AnthropologieI’m really trying to find some nice olive green towels for our bathrooms, but they’ve proven to be difficult to find in a shade that I want. So I got fed up and went into Anthropologie. Even though I love going to Anthropologie and it’s one of my favourite stores, I’m starting to realize that World Market has a lot of similar items that Anthro has, but without the jacked up prices. I’m excited about this, because I can scope things out I like at Anthro and get them for cheaper. Both places have really cute towels, and great smelling hand creams.

lululemon wunder undersI headed over to Lululemon to see if they had any of the Wunder Unders in stock since they were all out of my size online. Luckily, Santana Row’s Lululemon had them in stock. I bought them as a very early birthday gift to myself. My birthday is in May. Ohhh well.

Yoga at LululemonThat’s also where I found out that they offer complimentary yoga, and running groups — not only that they are having a CrossFit elements class on Sunday morning if anyone is interested in attending, just phone the store.

Jamba-Juice-Chocolate-MoodShortly after I met up with Jessica and we grabbed a Jamba Juice together while browsing around. I said it before and I’ll say it again, Chocolate Moo’d tastes exactly like a Wendy’s Frosty. So good. I’m excited for this evening though, because both of us are going to a blogger-meet up in another city. Hopefully I’ll meet some new people that way too.

Balance BarThen on the drive home I dug into one of my many delicious Balance Bars. S’mores is the only way to go.

What’s your flavour at Jamba Juice?

Have you ever gone to a blogger meet up?

Do you like Lululemon?

What colour are your towels?

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Capitola Beach

I have so much to talk about and tell you guys that I want to blog 7 days a week. I think that’s a little too much, so I’ll spread it all out, even if I’m a little behind.

Our friends from Guelph Ontario are here on vacation as they have family in San Jose. The Guy and I ate out at Chevy’s Mexican restaurant with them the other night, and on Wednesday I went with them and their two cute little girls to Capitola Beach.

We arrived around 11am and the beach was completely empty, and gusts of wind chilled us a little.

Capitola Beach, California, Bay Area, NorCalKinda reminded me of Newfoundland… due to the wind. :)

I wore my $8 jeans from Forever 21 (lightweight) and a tank top, so I was pretty comfortable.

We all hung out on the beach, building sand castles (I seriously nearly typed snow forts?!) and dipping our toes in the Pacific Ocean, then squealing and running away when the waves would catch us — it was chilly!

A few hours later the beach became busy with surfers (can you spot them?!) and people laying down on the beach.

It was hot enough at that point during mid-day that people could wear bikini’s and lay in the sand which was as soft as flour. I wanted to bring some home with me. But then I remembered I’m no longer a tourist, and I can probably go any time I want to grab some sand.

To be honest though I kinda wished I brought a plastic baggie so I could take some for my plant. Ha ha.

After grabbing some pizza for lunch, re-applying sunscreen, the kids went back to the beach with their father and my friend and I browsed around the little town and shops of Capitola.

St. John’s Helpful Shop! For those that don’t know, I’m from St. John’s, Newfoundland so it was pretty awesome to see that!

We spent over half the day in the beautiful town then finally deciding on grabbing some ice cream. Or our case, Gelato, from this amazing authentic Italian gelato spot in Mountain View called Gelato Classico. I’ve been there twice already, and the gelato is just tremendous with unique flavours like Honey Lavender, Green Tea. I usually stick to my old fav, Chocolate Hazelnut. Luckily, it’s not too far of a drive from where we live.

When’s the last time you went to the beach?

Do you prefer beaches, or mountains?

What flavour ice cream or gelato do you go for?

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