Top picks from Annabelle TwistUps

Folks! I’m already ten days into the #24day challenge with Annabelle Cosmetics. Some of the colours are definitely out of my comfort zone, but I’m surprising myself and really enjoying the bolder colours out of the lot.

I want to let you know I’ll be putting up a giveaway to win all 24 of the colours towards the end of the challenge. If you can’t wait for that, the TwistUp shades are 25% off right now until the 24th, on Annabelle’s website. For Canadians you qualify for free shipping if you spend over $25. Folks in the USA pay $50 to be eligible for free shipping.

Anyhoodle. The point of this post was to show you my favourite colours thus far that I’ve tried out on these smackaroos of mine. So here are my top 4 picks: fav-annabelle-twistup

Follow me on instagram for daily selfies pictures of all the wonderful lip colours.

How often do you wear lip colour?

Pink or red?

Do you own anything by Annabelle Cosmetics?

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