Weekend trip to Quebec City: Part 3

View part 1 of our trip (Carnival), and part 2 (more scenic photos).

Ah the final instalment of our weekend getaway to Quebec City.  It was nice to break up the winter like we did, and it was such a much needed vacation. With only an hour away on the air plane ride, I think we might end up going back!

The first time I saw this miniature electric bus, I think I pointed and laughed. It was like seeing a smart car for the first time, except it was a smart bus! They’re unbelievably tiny. Quebec-City-0015

See the size of the bus, below? :)Quebec-City-0016

Nightime views in Quebec’s downtown core.Quebec-City-0017

All smiles!Quebec-City-0018

Boyfriend making me pose for photos. Me? Not mindin’ at all. Let’s shoot a cannon!Quebec-City-0019

Tons of different Bonhomme’s from all the previous Carnivals.Quebec-City-0020

Chocolate store. The best place ever invented.Quebec-City-0021

Talented pained murals. Quebec-City-0022

Seeing a huge trend here with myself. In Dublin I took about 13,067 photos of doors. I also did the same on this trip. Quebec-City-0023

Shopping area.Quebec-City-0024

Same street, but at night. :) Quebec-City-0033

Hotel Frontenac at night.Quebec-City-0025

Longchamp from Paris. Only appropriate. Quebec-City-0026

Lovely lights.Quebec-City-0027

Adorable store front. Quebec-City-0028

Chilly evenings exploring the city.Quebec-City-0029

More street views. Quebec-City-0030

Our hotel! Bonjour Hotel Champlain! We were on the top (5th) floor.Quebec-City-0031

A man and his pups.Quebec-City-0032

Loved the Hotel Frontenac. Quebec-City-0034

One of the streets we explored. Quebec-City-0035

Lake view.Quebec-City-0036

Ah! ha ha ha… ah ha! Little bus. Quebec-City-0037

And to finish it off, I did a bit of shopping! Here’s my souvenirs. Quebec Carnival mug, sheep skin gloves, and two pairs of $5 sunnies. Quebec-souviners

Shopping at Simons. Tried on this yellow jacket, debated buying it until I spotted the navy one shown next. Shopping-in-Quebec

Bam! Bought. Shopping-in-Quebec-002

Serious faces reserved for serious shoppers. Shopping-in-Quebec-003

And that’s a wrap! Our trip to Quebec City in 3 long photo posts. Hope you enjoyed!

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