Modernizing one piece at a time

I made two of these modern, clean looking pen holders for my office at work. Total cost? Four bucks.

You can change this up and have it in your bathroom to hold your toothbrushes (not so sanitary), or makeup brushes.

It’s very minimalistic and neat, my co-worker said, something like you’d see in print catalogs. Ooh la la.

Oooh. You can even bring this into the kitchen and store your wooden spoons or utensils. Right? How fantastic would that look on a bigger scale?

I got this idea from Sephora, except they use clear flower-bead filler to display all of their loot. I didn’t like the look of that. I’ve seen a lot of YouTube videos where the people have copied and it just looks too ordinary for me right now.

Then, I thought of the bamboo shoots I had displayed in my bathroom at my parents house YEARS ago. It was a small rectangle glass, with black rocks you’d put at the bottom of a fish tank. I had 3 bamboo shoots lined up and loved the look of it. But I decided I didn’t want black again this time. So I went to the dollar store and picked up two small circular vases and bought some white pea beans at the grocery store near by.  This is what I came up with, for my office.

Pinterest worthy, no? :)

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