Bootylicious tag

My new friendular tagged me in this fun type of questionnaire. Visit Stephanie I met her at Angela’s house from Oh She Glow’s Birthday potluck, she’s moving to my tri-city so sooner rather than later we’re going to probably get a tumor from laughing so hard at new YouTube videos that have yet to be made.

First off, I have no idea what rainbows have to do with Bootylicious, and secondly I wish I had a booty! Bow chicka.. actually I probably do and I’m just in denial about having a skinny butt. Don’t tell me.

Going to break the rules a bit here and tag people at the beginning of this post! I tag the following people:

Neinke of Revel Blog
Leanne of Fresh Season
Julie of Peanut Butter Fingers
Mindy of Finding Silver Linings

Back to the questionnaire

Name 3 things sitting next to you right now:
Alright seeing as i’m sitting at my computer desk why not keep things interesting and give you a front shot of how my desk looks like in all its glory.

But to keep from cheating, I’ll just name three random things that are on my desk (boy this is going to get long)…

My random free subscription to Elle Canada fashion magazine. Not a fan of magazines at all (ok I liked, I love Real Simple), and I even get a free sub to this magazine at WORK. With my name on it! Two exact duplicates of these magazines monthly. Whyyyyy.

Name 2 foods you can’t live without
I love Stephanie’s answer. I’m a huge fan of bananas too. But personally I’m going to go with a meat and starch type of answer because I LOVE MEAT AND POTATOES. Chicken and potatoes will be my final answer. No picture. Unless you’d like to see a stash of my russet potatoes sprouting from underneath the cupboard.

Heyyy, why not. Is that gross? I’m sorry. Also, why do they sprout so quickly? They’re < 2 weeks old. Anyone?

Name 2 things you can’t live without
Huge fan of the Avene lip balm (and showed you why here). I have it stored everywhere. In my car, bedside table, at work, on my desk here at home, and in my purse.

Another thing I probably can’t live without is metal-free type of hair elastics. I despise my hair up in a pony tail but it’s necessary when I’m playing soccer and going to CrossFit. Maybe I shouldn’t pick that one. It’s a necessity in that sort of sense, but maybe I’ll pick something fun like makeup. Oh I don’t know. I’ll keep my answer the way it was.

Name 2 people you can’t live without
Ehhhhggggg… this question can be difficult. I’d like to say my Mom, Dad, Brother, Nephews, and Boyfriend because well duh. So can I just keep my answer the way it is and cheat again?

Name 1 thing you did today
Well I’m going to name two things today because that’s basically all that I did.

We went to Scott’s duathlon — first race of the season he placed fourth in his age group! Usually he does Tri’s and not du’s. Then I went to my second soccer game of the outdoor season. Yay.

Name 2 things you learned from the healthy blogging community
I’m not entirely a healthy blogger, but I’ve gone to three healthy blogger meet ups and I’ve met some really incredible people that I’ve stayed in touch with. Usually I guess you’d be much more prone to reading their blogs since you’ve met the person. I love that I read Susan’s blog for a good two years then bam — one day she moves to Toronto, and I got the chance to meet her in person. Stuff like that. I think it’s super cool. I’m going to California in August to also meet some other girls. Super exciting! Also — I’ve got some really great recipes and stuff that I would’ve never tried (kale, dates, edammame) or even

Just because I didn’t tag you doesn’t mean you can’t do them yourself. Post your own answers either below in the comments, or link to your blog! Here are all the questions below if you want to copy/paste:

Name 3 things sitting next to you right now:
Name 2 foods you can’t live without
Name 2 things you can’t live without
Name 2 people you can’t live without
Name 1 thing you did today
Name 2 things you learned from the healthy blogging community

Wow that blog entry took FOREVER. I need to go put some food in my belly. It’s 8:39!

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  1. Name 3 things sitting next to you right now:
    1. A coconut chocolate chip cookie! LOL!
    2. My cell phone
    3. A box of Sharpie Markers

    Name 2 foods you can’t live without
    1. Chocolate
    2. Cheese

    Name 2 things you can’t live without
    1. The Internet
    2. My debit card

    Name 2 people you can’t live without
    1. My husband
    2. My mom
    (and my God daughter & my sister & my best friend :) )

    Name 1 thing you did today
    Went to breakfast with my mom at my favorite spot!

    Name 2 things you learned from the healthy blogging community
    1. Sometimes I visit blogs just for the food porn
    2. Everybody has their fat kid moments, even “healthy bloggers” and that’s okay.

    Thanks for the TAG love Nance you rock!

    I’m working on growing my bootay in the gym!! Glute workout 2x’s a week baby!

    Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

    Nancy says: Omg I should’ve said the internet that I can’t live without either!!! I wanna change my answer, hahhahahaha..

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