So I’m totally in the mood for a pita bread PIZZA. Yeh yeh, you heard that right. Except, I don’t remember what kind of stuff to put on it. I’m hardly innovative in the kitchen without a recipe in front of me. I remember reading one of my daily blogs and how they made a pita pizza, and I’m totally craving one right now.
Where is a recipe with a photo!? Anyone…anyone?
Normally during this time I’d make just a pita but I dont want to fry up a chicken breast (frozen) and I don’t have any tomatoes because I used them up all last night in a delicious meal that I loved, and boyfriend’s lips flared up on. Oops. Maybe he’s allergic to majoram.
wtf is with me having no life and updating my website 2x/day now!? lol.
1 Comment
Ch-ch-check it out ;)
Pita pizzas are glorious, I love how the pita gets all crispy :) I buy frozen chicken too, and then never eat it because I’m too lazy to thaw or cook it…