Mini triathlons

I’ve been lazy since I finished school. I don’t even know what to post about. I should start packing my suitcases, for my big move shortly. I should re-think about what I’m bringing up. I emptied my desk and put a whole bunch of junk in a bunch of nice boxes from Winners/Ikea, etc.. and then I chucked my shoes/sneakers in the same suitcase, and …. it’s over half full. Which probably isn’t a good thing.

A friend of mine, has a new girlfriend, who is involved in mini-triathlons (500m swim instead of 1500, 20k bike instead of 40k, and a 5k run instead of 10ish?) And she’s got me totally psyched up to go and do one, when I move to Ontario. I think I’ll die on the swim part, however.

I’m sitting here, waiting for ten minutes to pass. God, I love Biore strips. They hurt coming off, but it’s a fun feeling, and everything feels soft once I rip off the paper thingie. Those packs of ten, last me forrrrrrever. I don’t even remember buying them – and I have 3 left haha.

I’m such a turd. I miss my Canon elph so bad. I can’t find my Mom’s either. My “cam img” is so boring…

Ashley’s site is back up again! Another person to add to my list of dailys. Yusyus. Boring, k bye! Have a good weekend.

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