Wedding in Ireland?

I think it’s about time I updated my website! I’ve been pretty busy with school. Today, being a stupid ass Monday, I thought all my projects were due today, for some reason. Hey, at least I have them done now, I can start to chillax a little. I also had a mid term in Math this afternoon. I think I did pretty awesome on it. It was a very easy midterm too. I’m super stoked to get my mark back. I hope I got at least a 90% That’s what I think I got anyway. I guestimate, 104.5% heh!!

So, I was talking to my Brother, over in Ireland tonight, on the phone. Last time I talked to him was in August. I don’t really have much news to tell him, because my Mom always tells him what I’m up to, so by the time I talk to him on the phone, we have nothing to say to each other. But, I wanted to talk to him tonight. Apparently, he may postpone the wedding this July. He doesn’t know if he can afford to come over here with a soon-to-be-wife, and two children. Costly plane tickets. He also may decide to have the wedding over in Ireland, which in my opinion would be SO much more fun. I’d love to check out the place some day. 2005 may be the year to do it.

I’m saving up for a flat screen monitor. (Maybe that one, I’m not sure yet.) I haven’t really looked around. I’ve got $300 saved up. I’m pretty close to getting there. If I don’t spend my money! I’m sure a lot of my cash will be gone this week. I try to get into the climbing gym two, to three days a week. Which is like $10 a session. But yeah, my monitor goes whacko when it’s turned on for more than an hour at a time. It rings/buzzes/humms really loud and it causes crazy ass ringing in my ears if I don’t turn it off for 20 minutes or so. Which is a pain in the ass, seeing how most of my projects are due on the computer. FFTTT!

Anyhoo, time to get off this computer. Chat with you all later. Download the song, it’s really good! Bye!!

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