Fun fitness gear

Throwback Thursday or #TBT as the hashtags all circulate around instagram today.

On my lunch break on Tuesday, I headed to the mall and stopped into one of my favorite stores: H&M. I don’t know how often they get stock, but they seem to have an abundance of it very frequently. Thus, me never tiring of visiting the store, and browsing. I picked up this orange hoody on a whim and tried it on. Wednesday morning I wore it to work since I had a silky also from H&M “mullet-like” blouse which I snagged for $4.95 the previous weekend. I wore the hoody to keep warm on my drive to work and as soon as I put it on on, I realized I looked a lot like a photo that was taken when I was a toddler, with my Mom.then-vs-now

Hence the ‘Then vs Now‘ throwback post today. I got a good chuckle out of it, and e-mailed the picture to my Mommy. Heh. My style hasn’t changed since I was a kid, so it seems.

lululemon-swiftly-tech-tankOn the other hand I received a shipment from Lululemon, yesterday. Big spender over here buying two new tanks for CrossFit! In fact, I wore the purple one last night.

So many exciting clothes to wear to CrossFit and working out. This week has been a bonanza of products.#WhatsBeautiful Campaign

SportChek sent along a nice thick Under Armour Studio Lux Jacket for me to wear while I get my sweat on, or just wear walking Alfie around in the park during the nights as it cools down a bit. However, the nights are getting pretty sweltering around here and I can’t even sleep with the duvet on top of me. It’s just that warm. So I’ll be using the zip up for the cooler days. Nice huh?

Time to get a killer workout in, with that jacket.
Under Armour

Under Armour sent along a surprise parcel, thanks to the #WhatsBeautiful campaign and sponsorship with me being a FitFluential Ambassador. It absolutely blew my mind me when I opened it. Gratitude is the attitude!

Check back tomorrow for another blog post about the #WhatsBeautiful Campaign. I’m excited to share more info with you, along with my favorite Under Armour

See ya tomorrow, friends!

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Beautiful You

Growing up, I never thought I wasn’t beautiful. Not to say that I had high self esteem or was conceited. There was never any self doubt in my head that I was “ugly” or “not pretty enough”. I was a painfully shy kid, especially around strangers. But put me in front of someone who I’m comfortable with and I’ll be the class clown, who tries to make you laugh.

I went to an all girls catholic school, and I was still that tom boy who climbed tree’s and ate sandwiches inside kitchen cupboards with my little dude friends.

I even cut my hair like a boy, so I could be more like my older brother. You can’t exactly tell from this photo since it was from a Halloween. Let’s just visualize it.bunny 2

I remember one instance where I dressed up like a boy, smeared some mud on my face and walked over two houses, and asked in a deeper boy voice if my Brother could play street hockey with them because he dared made me.

Now that I’m older, and grown up I’ve vowed to never cut my hair short ever again. In fact, I remember I was mistaken for a boy on more than one occasion as a kid. I’m still a tom boy at heart because I’m still so very athletic. It wasn’t until my late twenties where I turned into a girls girl. I never went to a hair salon, I never got my nails done or wore skirts and pretty tops.

Over the past few years I’ve developed into the perfect blend of me. I love getting pedicures and then cramming them into climbing shoes just hours later. I love going for spa massages and then going out and setting up a bonfire with my scrappy jeans and hoodies the same night. I love my life right now, and where I am.

I may not be a pro athlete but I’m being the best me that I can be, and I think that’s beautiful.

You may remember last year I had the opportunity to work with Under Armour, thanks to a sponsored FitFluential campaign. Well it’s back with a vengeance. Below are the women who won the What’s Beautiful campaign last year. UA

I ask that you join me in an 8 week challenge to redefine the female athlete. You do not have to be a professional whatsoever. This competition is for the every day woman.

Push yourself harder to get motivated and get after your goals you’ve set up for yourself. It doesn’t even have to be fitness related. It can be mental, emotional or physical. Make your goals a reality.

  • Want to start eating healthier?
  • Work out more?
  • Quit biting your nails?

Join me and everyone else in the Under Armour What’s Beautiful community and encourage all women of all backgrounds who try an empower themselves.

View my What’s Beautiful profile, and follow me once you’re ready to sign up.

How to sign up:

  1. Sign up on the What’s Beautiful website to create a page
  2. Come up with a goal for yourself. It can be as vague or specific as you’d like. Short-term or long-term goals welcome.
  3. Upload your challenges. It shows that you’re working towards, or have completed an achieved goal. The entire What’s Beautiful community can see these goals on your page so that’s extra motivation, they can help you achieve them and cheer you on.


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My Fitness goals

Setting goals gives me a long term vision and short term motivation. Sounds like I know what I’m talking about, right? ha ha.

Seriously though. It focuses me in a way and helps me organize my time to make the most out of what I’m working towards. It needs to be challenging but achievable. I track my workouts whenever I do them and post my weekly workout schedule for the previous week on my blog each Monday morning.

Sometimes it’s tough. I always need to remember you’re only one workout from a good mood. I cannot stress that enough. I’ve had a few hard days, and just heading into work out and finishing it up makes me in such a better mood. Working out also keeps me much more alert and I really do have much more energy when I work out throughout the week, than on those weeks where I skip.

My favorite photo I’ve taken of the Boyfriend at one of his many races.

It doesn’t hurt that I have a boyfriend that works out (even more!) than I do – so I almost get a sense of regret if I don’t work out as often as I had planned. Seeing him strive, reach his goals through hard work really pushes me to be a better person in life. Stay motivated, and to stay on track.

I always like to keep up on my weekly fitness plan and say that I’ll go workout so many times per week, write down my workouts on my blog, so I can keep track of my workouts and what I’ve achieved that week.

I am not a professional athlete or anything, so I of course do it for the pure bliss I get from going to workout classes, or climbing.

It’s good to keep my goals realistic. For instance, instead of saying “I want to lose x-pounds by x-date” probably isn’t the best way to go about it. Instead, start thinking more along the lines of “I will run 3 times this week for x-minutes, and next week I’ll run 4 times for longer x-minutes.”

Goals that I have accomplished, which currently keeps me completely motivated is competing and doing well in climbing competitions.

This photo is a few years old since I haven’t been in a top-rop climbing competition and placing second in the Women’s division.  I have to say, I felt like I crushed it that day. I remember it so well. In fact, this photo of me was published on the front page of my local newspaper back home in Newfoundland. The first place woman who beat me, had her hand better secured on the exact same hold as me. We fell in the same spot on the 2nd route we had to climb, because we both made it to the top of this crimpy route. Man. Just typing it makes my fingertips  sweat!

One of my favorite photos of me bouldering (a different style of climbing) back in December.

Here’s a more recent photo of me, climbing a 5.10 (rating of the route) at the local climbing gym here in Ontario, that I go to.

However, I do have goals that I’m working towards getting better at my hand stand push ups, and to climb much more often than I’m doing now. I ended up taking the entire summer off. I think the last time I climbed was when I was with Stephanie. It seems way too long ago :( I’m actually thinking of recruiting some GTA bloggers to come out here and try indoor rock climbing. People like Morgan, Jess, Robyn, Angela, and Krysten! Wouldn’t that be fun!?

So, I’d love to know what some of your goals, or what goals you’ve already accomplished in your life time. Have you ever ran a marathon? Tell me about it in the comments, or share it on Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful contest for women.

Under Armour Women are encouraged to share their fitness journeys and receive free gear, and support from Under Armour along the way. Super exciting right? All ya gotta do it share some goals you’re working towards or already accomplished. So easy to enter!

The 10 women with the most awesome #WhatsBeautiful journeys will win a trip to Florida (omg I’ve never been) to the Under Armou Women’s Camp Sweat, where you will train with the BEST. AHH!!

I already know of a few people who should definitely enter. Leanne from Fresh Season, and definitely Jill from Bluegrass Belle. Whattta ya think ladies? You going to join in on the What’s Beautiful fun?

What’s Beautiful entrants are eligible to win prizes. Contest is open to residents of Canada and the USA, however you have to be older than 13 to enter.

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