OOTWW + recap of the week

My outfits of the work week were taken inside for the most part this week. I was just too cold to be outside posing for photos in the morning. Frig that! Hope you don’t mind. Also, people have been asking me where certain articles of clothing I’m wearing, are from. Did you know you can enlarge the photos I post? On the bottom of each photo describes where each individual piece I’m wearing is from. So that’s kinda handy if you wanted to know!


Holy smokes. The week has just been full of fun madness for you on my blog, hasn’t it! If you haven’t caught up yet, I’ll do so here in this one blog post so you don’t have to keep scrolling and reading unless you really want to.

holiday-gift-guide-2013My Holiday Gift Guide is just exploding and I feel like Santa with all the giveaways that are going on right now, and it’s not even close to being done. I mean heck it isn’t even December yet. That’s okay, I’m just preppin’ you all for Christmas.

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I am not feeling clever this morning so I don’t have anything funny or witty to say. But I will tell you the truth, and it’s what I tweeted out about a half hour ago.

Putting on a thong this early in the morning truly is rocket science. Which side is up?! I always seem to put it on sideways or inside out. Have you ever had these troubles? Seriously though.

Change of topic. I drew the winners name for the Philosophy Gift Set and contacted her, so that’s all grand. But don’t forget to enter my Mondetta Performance Gear giveaway! There’s low entries, and tons of ways to enter.

Off to do some dishes before work. But first, the outfits of the work week:ootww

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I had an emotionally exhausting week. All I can say is that it was bitter-sweet in the sense that I got things off my chest that was built up, and in quite a professional matter. I was surprised at myself at how I presented myself in that situation. I feel like a more confident person because of what’s been going on. Due to privacy issues I won’t get into details, but a few people have stated that they are proud of the accomplishments I’ve created for myself over the past few months. I’m very proud of standing my ground, and won’t let things go unnoticed. That was the “sweet part”.

As for the bitter part, which I really do dislike talking about, and try not to often but; My Dad has go to back on chemotherapy. Even though he’s had a quite a long break from the “rat poison” as he sometimes refers to it as, it was “expected” but we had hoped that it wouldn’t turn out that way. Regardless of that, he’s a pretty chipper, laid back ol’ Daddio and he’ll do what he has to do. Just wish I wasn’t a three hour flight away from visiting them. Sometimes you’d just like to be there, you know?

I’m ready for the Family Day long weekend, let’s bring it on. I won’t be blogging until Tuesday, so don’t expect anything on Monday — ha ha!

ootwwSorry, no “Fun, Fit and/or Fashionable” post this week since no one submitted anything and I didn’t want to go digging for something to just post.

If you’re in a province where you have Family Day — then have a great long weekend!

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