Crazy dramatic weekend


If I was to sum up the weekend into just a few words, I’d have to say: sleep deprived, too much sun, and dramatic. On Friday night I slept over at my boyfriend’s place while his sister hotelwas spending her last night in town at his place. We woke up at 6AM (who does that on a weekend!?) to head out to the Farmer’s Market before she had to come back home and wait for the airport shuttle to pick her up. That was all fine and dandy, and went smooth as ever. Except we hit a small bit of traffic on the way back from the 15 minute drive to the apartment. We park underground and realized that Scott forgot his blackberry and possibly thought the airport shuttle people were outside the front door. One would think it’d be better to actually park out front, and not out back and underground lol. Whatever, we just raced back around the building after Scott parked, and indeed that’s where we spotted the shuttle. We were only ONE minute late, and his sister was the last pick up of the ride, so we weren’t too rushed or anything, just pretty much exactly on time.

Saturday afternoon we packed up everything and headed out on the 4 hour ride up north to Muskoka for Scott’s triathlon on Sunday morning. We were an hour and a half behind schedule due to taking a nap from being so tired since we woke up early and ran around doing errands. Got to the hotel, checked in, woke up 5:30 on Sunday morning (UGH?) and drove to the race site. I spent the whole morning and mid afternoon outside in a black tank top and black lululemon pants. It was a scorcher! I’m glad now I didn’t bring shorts because I was sunburned when I was wearing my tank top. I don’t think I could’ve handled more sun. I even had a headache from being outside from 8am to 2pm. His race went well. We decided to head back to the hotel after everything was done, and check out. Meanwhile this whole time I only ate a granola bar and slice of pizza (Scott gave me a piece of his after the race as they were for the racers — aw!) and a terribly expensive small bottle of orange juice I bought during the race.

We got stuck in terrible cottage country traffic. Everyone heading home Sunday evening from their cottages = a longer drive than anticipated. Instead of it being a three and a half hour drive home it ended up taking an hour longer. Which resulted in me missing my second week of Sunday soccer in a row. I was super sad about it but there wasn’t anything we could’ve done really. Scott felt super bad and even though he had to go to his 8PM softball game he said he’d bring us to McDonalds after he got back. I smooched him goodbye when we got home and got a quick shower.

8:04PM I got a phone call.

It was Scott.

All he could say to me was that something terrible happened. He started telling me something but all I could do was listen in the background to see if he was in traffic (ie: car accident) or actually at softball (ie: I have no idea what could’ve been terrible). It was the latter, thankfully even though I blurted out: “CAR ACCIDENT?” even though I knew better. He responded with, “No no. Oh it’s much more devistating than that, even though a car accident would be terrible right now.” I was like ohhhhhhhhhh myyyy. So, he’s speaking to me, which mean’s he’s definitely okay or so it seemed. He said that he’s pretty sure his shoulder is broken and he had to be taken to the hospital right away. Devastating news. Not only all of these hours he put into swimming, biking, and running this winter and this tri-season. But the money that has been put into Ironman Canada that isn’t refundable. Close to three grand you guys. It’s nuts. There was no backing out now.

At the hospital, with the wonky mirror
At the hospital, with the wonky mirror

So he drove himself to the hospital, after me thinking that his co-workers wife was going to drive him. I hopped on the next bus down to emergency and waited with him. By this point it was about nine o’clock and the emergency waiting room didn’t look that busy. Thank God! We were both so so exhausted after the long weekend, and of course his huge race (2k swim, 55k bike, 15k run!!!). To make this blog entry less dramatic and not a huge book, I’ll summarize it. We were only at the hospital for four hours and got sent home with great news. It was just a separated shoulder. Not a break. Just take two weeks off and if it wasn’t 100% healed by then, come back for more x-ray’s. I started clapping and smiling like a nutbar when the Doctor told him the news.

It’s not quittin’ time yet!

Needless to say, we had to get home somehow and the buses probably weren’t running at that point and I can’t exactly drive Boyfriend’s standard vehicle because the clutch on that darn thing has a mind of its own and is just impossible to put in reverse and just… drive. So, again. Even though his right shoulder was the one that was sprained, he decided to take the car himself and drive. But we didn’t go home just yet! Oh no. We had to go to the McDonalds drive thru and get ME supper. Can you believe this guy of mine? I tell you. He’s in total agony and he’s keeping his promise to me about making it up to me (the way to my heart is definitely through my tummy!) and buy me some food.Eventually we got to bed pretty late, and I woke up for work a bit earlier because I was hitching a ride with my boss who was at the chiropractor across the street from boyfriend’s place.

I gotta say. I’m pretty tired today. But I’m also excited because I’m going to the next city to check out a Mazda 3 hatch this afternoon!!

Hope everyone’s weekend wasn’t as crazy as mine, and not as sunburned as I. However,  I’d still like to know how it was though!

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Soon? Oh please please pleeeeaasuuh

It’s so close I can taste it. Alright, maybe not close enough. But I’ve got four exact Mazda 3’s picked out, all without the help of the large dealerships even though 3 places are keeping an eye out for me at the car auctions. All white, and just 1 of them doesn’t have a sunroof. I’m going to look at one in the next city over (45 mins away), on Monday afternoon. Negotiations can probably happen as early as late next week. EEK!? But these cars I found (all from are small tiny side of the road dealers, not like “MAZDA” dealerships or anything. I need to do some google searches on how their reputation is, and scope out the VIN numbers on the cars I’m wanting!

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Girly shoes

Instead of wearing flat’s that cover up my feet every day, I decided to finally get my first pedicure of the season. I go to a woman  named Kim that my co-worker recommended. Kim is from Vietnam and speaks just O-K English. She operates her business out of the basement of her home and has a very chatty 12 year old named Annie (or Anna?) who speaks perfect English.  Annie usually helps me pick out colors because she’s the best at picking them for me, but on Tuesday she was busy playing with her friends upstairs. Kim’s husband always offers to drive me to the bus stop, when I’m done my appointments as they know I don’t have a car (500 meters from her house), but I decline lol. This is how nice they are. Let me tell you a little story…

I arrived an hour early for my 6PM appointment, because my co-worker offered to drive me there. I certainly didn’t pass up an opportunity, especially because it takes 45 minutes by bus from work. As I was flicking through the gossip magazines I noted the time was 5:30 and Kim points for me to go soak my feet in the water. As I do that she’s still painting someone else’s finger nails. I said “Kim, it’s only 5:30 you don’t have to do my pedicure yet. My appointment is for 6!”. She doesn’t answer me (lol), so I flick on the massaging chair and relax and write my boyfriend on the blackberry messenger for a few minutes. I was a bit hungry as I hadn’t eaten since lunch time and I grabbed a granola bar (Sweet ‘n’ Salty Nature Valley, anyone?) out of my purse and polished it off like nobody’s business.

Kim ran upstairs and think nothing of it, because it happens frequently when I”m there; she then comes down with two plates. On those plates were a six inch sub each, for her and I to devour! She’s such a generous woman! I say thank you continuously because I was starving at that point. Plus, when I usually go to Kim it’s on a Saturday and after my appointment is done she usually wraps up a foot long sub for me and off I go to catch my next bus. She hates it when I take the bus, she always gives me hell for it. I just shrug it off, and she giggles along with me.  I usually remind her that I’m getting my car soon, and she’ll be the first one to see it. She giggles again.

It was semi–awkward eating a sub sandwich while the other client was waiting for her nails to dry, as Kim and I were having a chat about “pretty white cars”. When we were done eating, I thought she asked me if I wanted water “I get you some wata!” so I agreed. She booted it upstairs again and came down with yogurt for the two of us (not the other client though lol poor thing! I have to admit though, the client was a bit strange). I finished off my yogurt and chucked the empty container in the garbage next to me. Kim walked across the room to the water cooler, and poured us a cup full of water. At this point my toes are nice and warm in the bubbling blue bath water, and it’s about quarter to six. I’m getting treated like royalty here! A teenage girl walked in and Kim waxed her eyebrows. Once she was done with the teen, Kim came over to me and said “See? I not do you yet because of her!” then she giggles. I giggle back and said “ohhhhh right!”.

I’m not sure why she treats me differently than anyone else. I think it’s because I tip her well, and when I can’t afford to I still tip her a few bucks. I mean, she’s totally undercharging for everything, and she’s so meticulous at what she does, and very very slow. I notice people don’t tip at all (which is fine I mean, not everyone can). Eyebrow wax is $5, Pedi’s are $20, and Mani’s $10!!! I drive by places all the time and it says Pedi/Mani $65. I’m usually there at her place for an hour or more, and leave feeling super clean and refreshed. She only needs to put one coat on the polish and sprays something on afterwards, and it makes the polish look so shiny and nice. I’ve never had a pedi done by her that feels like a baby’s bottom (I’m not even kidding), and the polish never chips — it grows out. That’s how long it lasts. And the designs! Oh the designs she does is so intricate, beautiful, and of course done by hand. So, amazing. Love. Her.

Now, I leave you with a photo of my freshly painted hot pink pedi to admire with me!


By the way, those wedge shoes are the devil in disguise. They may look brand new, even though they were purchased in 2006. I remember why I rarely wear them. They give me blisters, unfortunately. Ugh, the price I pay for looking girly for a day…Can you spot the band aids (yes plural!)?

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