Skewers gone a’skew

You guys, I am so nuts. Blogging constantly every day, sometimes twice a day I’m a self-proclaimed nerdle. This is my 26th post in May and it’s only the 21st! There’s noo stopping me! Tons of topics to talk about, and my brain is going wild with ideas. I still have to sit down and write a photo post on what I purchased last week (and returned, good girl!). Exciting.


Doesn’t that photo right there, make your mouth water and want to head home and cook up a feed?

Well, as you all know barbecue season is fast approaching and probably is already here for most. I haven’t fired up the one on the patio this year, but I’m thinking I may do it this weekend. Boyfriend is heading out to a party about 30km away at his old bosses house (who also does Tri’s and Du’s with him) but I won’t be going this year to his Birthday Party. I have my second game of co-ed soccer tomorrow and I don’t want to miss my second game. Plus, last year I got a little too tipsy on the free alcohol provided by the host, and hurled a lot. It was tré embarrassing. Needless to say, I’m  a bit humiliated to go drinking with them again. (I promise, I know my limits.  I’ve only gotten sick twice from drinking, and this being the second time. I just hadn’t drank in months prior and obviously really wasn’t used to it. Plus the booze was free! Who wouldn’t go wild on shots?).  Also, they’re all in their late 30’s and 40’s, not that there’s anything wrong with that age. I just don’t really feel like going, plain and simple.

ANYWAY back on topic. If only I had some of these fancy skewers that are shown to your left. I mean, I do have regular ones, but grilling-skewerwouldn’t these be so awesome just for aesthetic reasons (they’re quite practical too, if I do say so).

Check out the woman marinating them in a bowl all rolled up like that (below). I never thought about marinating a skewer! Seriously guys. I have never thought about doing that. I love absolutely every one of those veggies on the skewer and would love to devour it all (minus the onions, because we all know how much I despise those buggers) I’d maybe even put a potato on there!

The skewer is a stainless steel cable style skewer that allows you to utilize more space on your BBQ and the ends of your skewer actually stays cool thanks to the innovative stainless steel construction. Which is also a lot easier to flip the kebabs instead of fiddling around with one of those clamper teeth thingies (I know you know what I’m talking about here!) that picks up chicken and what not. They’re two for $10 on amazons’ site! A totally great find, on my part. I don’t know if these are shippable (is that a word?) to Canada or not. Amazon only likes to sell us Canadians, books. Sigh.


Mmmm I love my belly.

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25 random facts…

There’s been a facebook ‘me–me’ going around where people have been listing off 25 totally random facts about themselves. I decided really sit down and think about typing off 25 random things about myself to post it on facebook, as well as on this site. None of it is extremely personal, as I’d like to think I’m a somewhat private person.  Okay, here we go!

1. I have 31 first cousins. My parents are from large families obviously (Mom is the youngest of five siblings, Dad is the fifth of six children). I haven’t met about 12–14 of my first cousins … and I only “really know” 5 of them. I remember when I was at my Uncle’s funeral, a woman around my Mother’s age came up to me and said my name, then didn’t introduced herself. I asked who she was. She was one of the first cousins I had never met. She was also, kind of odd.

2. I’m terrible with small talk. If I don’t have anything interesting to say, I usually say nothing in fear of sounding ‘stupid’, unless I’m extremely comfortable around you. Then I don’t give two squats. Occasionally, I get bubbly and just talk about anything random under the sun.

3. I cannot eat cereal in the mornings. It makes me sick to my stomach, enough to make me think that I’m lactose intolerant. However. I can eat dry cereal on it’s own, or a glass of milk in the mornings perfectly fine. Now, explain THAT to me? Maybe it’s all in my mind.

4. I used to not be able to swallow pills when I was given medicine for either a headache or prescription as a child or even in my teens. It used to get stuck on my tongue, dissolve and I used to gag and spit it out from the foul taste. My Mom was never too impressed with that. I don’t know when the turn–around happened, but I can now swallow a couple of pills at a time (pill popper!! kidding…)

5. I wish my hair was super thick, instead it’s baby fine and I straighten the eff out of it even though it’s straight when it’s blow dried. I make a lot of sense.

6. I’m terribly in love with climbing. It’s honestly my passion and I get so happy when I climb. I haven’t been a frequent climber since moving to Ontario, even though there is a small climbing gym down the road from me at Laurier, I just don’t go. It’s too small, crammed and not as great as the family-oriented, laid back, wallnuts back home in Newfoundland.

7. I’m not a fan of black/brown purses. I usually go for crazy colors. I only own three purses to my name, one is yellow, the other two are a shade of red/salmon. McDonalds colors! Yum!

8. My boyfriend and I would eat McDonalds everyday for every meal, if we could. .. and if it wasn’t so unhealthy and fattening. (Why don’t they have delivery!?)

9. Nothing really turns my stomach (though revert back to #3 please). After working in the Housekeeping Department at a Hospital, having umbilical cords fall out of unsecured yellow hazardous waste garbage bags onto your shoes, nasty patient toilets, vomit spewed across the walls of rooms, and being a secretary for the Nurses down in the psychiatric ward, I feel that I’m immune to anything “gross”, or sketchy for that matter. Though, working down in the psychiatric ward for one summer, definitely gave me insight. If I ever quit being a Graphic Designer, and decided to go back into full-time studies, I would either be a psychiatric nurse (maybe), or an elementary teacher.

10. One thing I think is absolutely revolting, is onions. I’m glad my boyfriend equally agrees. I once said I was allergic to them at a restaurant, which in turn didn’t work out in my favor. As the quesadillas I ordered “May have come in contact with onions at one point”, as well as a few other menu items I had chosen. I ended up getting some nachos. As I recall, they were absolutely delicious. Montana’s makes the best nachos (I think they season the chips with something first).

11. I make the best quesadilla’s I’ve ever tasted, and I don’t put them in tortillas on the stove top and flip them. I mix all the stuff together, put them on tortillas, and bake them. Lots of cheese.

12. I hate that have become addicted to chewing gum (at work). That is one thing, that I never allowed myself to do while having braces. But once those bad boys came off, there was so many new flavors and new brands to try … I’ve been chewing ever since I got them off about a year ago! It needs to stop, it’s getting ridiculous. I go through a 3–pack a week.

13. MAC cosmetics makes the best face brushes for applying makeup. They’re so expensive, I just stick to the mass–produced holiday sets. One day I’ll get you, 187! One day.

14. I wish my nephews were closer, rather than living in Ireland.

15. I’m currently in my longest relationship. It will be 4 years in June.  He’s my best friend,  I can act foolish around him, and he laughs *with* me, and I wouldn’t change any of that for the world. We’re going to British Columbia together, while I watch him compete in the amazing Ironman Canada race this summer. I’ll be his cheerleader, jumping around like a lunatic and waving the Newfoundland Flag like a fool saying “GO SCOTT GO!”

16. Saving money is like a game for me. I need to have a goal in mind in order to be vigorous about saving money. “I bet I can save more money this month, than I did last”. Naturally, this would leave me with many months where I have felt ‘broke’ … but also had a crapload of money from the previous pay, in my savings account. Win win?

17. I didn’t start cooking until I was 26. It was when I moved to Ontario. Thankfully I cook exactly like my Mom, even though I had never cooked with her before. She just instructed me over the phone and everything tasted just like Mom’s Home Cookin’. Mmm Mmm. Now, if only I had 1/10th of her boobs. (Sorry Mom).

18. I’m an over–analyzer and I worry a lot. Usually I gush to those close to me (mainly my boyfriend, and Mom), and they’re both not really worry-warts, and are pretty laid back. Which evens out.  I also often mis-pronounce, and make up my own words. Kaiser?… and  “Dethawing the chicken” come to mind.

19. I absolutely, completely honest with you, love my job.

20. I’d like to sky dive, even though I’m afraid of heights (yes, I still climb and I’ve always been afraid of heights), and then perhaps visit Thailand, Greece, and Italy.

21. My Dad and I have a lot of the same traits. I see a lot of my Brother, in my Mom. My brother is more outgoing and talkative like my Mom. I’m quiet (around ‘outsiders’ haha), and shy in most cases. My Brother and Mom look a lot alike, as do me with my Dad! Yay.

22. I always wanted a younger brother, but a sister would’ve been okay too.

23. After joining an Ontario soccer league, I’ve gained a lot more confidence in my skills. Apparently I’m the top scorer on the team. I think that’s awesome. I’m in two indoor leagues during the winter, and two also in the summers, but one being a coed team.

24. I have a terrible sweet tooth, which I usually hide from people so they don’t actually know how much junk I eat. Not so ironically, the dentist is my worst fear, and I HATE going. (I don’t mind invasive doctor appointments, etc.) He should have a TV in his office.

25. I love to make people laugh.

The end!

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I think I can, I think…

I have a love/hate relationship with running. In the past I’ve loved it and as soon as I hit peaked and hit a plateau I  stopped. I stopped enjoying it and stopped the running altogether. Can you believe I stopped running after I actually enjoyed doing my first 5km road race? Maybe it’s because I desperately need new shoes, or maybe I should switch to a more supportive shoe like the trail running shoes (I’m digging these babies!)

My Boyfriend, the triathlete trains 7 days a week and wears Heart Rate Monitors all the time, from swimming, biking and while running, to track his fitness and keep his heart rate down to a reasonable level. When I was a member at the gym (shame on me, not anymore) I wore one of those things once while getting my fitness level tested (I did well actually!), and even though I was running for about 8 months (only on an indoor treadmill with no incline, cause I’m a real winner like that) my heart rate was always through the roof 190bpm! Even though I didn’t feel out of breath, and I could run for 6 miles with no big deal. My heart rate was always high. I never did understand that part about it. Like I said, love/hate.

Hate plateauing. Hate not knowing why my heart rate was always up. Loved being able to watch TV and running at the same time. Loved seeing the 2 inches disappear off my butt.

I think I need to be competitive with myself or anyone really, constantly. I guess you could call that goals.

I used to work for an internet website marketing company that actually had a gym inside the building. It was so hard not to skip going to the gym, because I actually had to walk past the weight room to get out of the building. As a competition once, a few of the staff had a handful of coworkers willingly sign up (there was about 300 people in the company) to walk across Canada virtually. They handed us each our own sleek black pedometer and off we went for four months and we kept track of our fitness online.

There were about 8 per team and each of us were tracking our daily workouts and how far we ran/walked/hiked/biked, whatever it was! Could have even been a sport like basketball or soccer.  I ruled that one out because I wasn’t on a team at that point. Having Pedometers (and getting to keep it after!) and that competition was great fun. Of course, our team being the most athletic (we had a marathon runner, a snowboarder, and a few others including me on the team, basically having a bunch of youngin’s was a total plus. Which is why we won!

Want to know the grand prize?

What did we win?

A pizza party. Now tell me how is that rewarding and healthy after a long so many month trek across the country! Sheesh. At least we got a cool t-shirt out of it too, which I wear to bed now.

So, what I’m trying to say here is that I get the motivation about 6 months after stopping my workouts, to start up again. After reading a bunch of my new found blog friends, and going to my Boyfriends first race of the season I’m happy to say I’ve found that motivation to start up again.

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