

It’s been a while since I went to a live show with a DJ playing. I remember when I used to head to Liquid back home in Newfoundland when my favorite DJ was playing — DJ Dayhota. Now I’ve branched out and I’m currently obsessed with Hatiras. His music makes me want to run harder when I’m on the treadmill, start immediately dancing when I’m driving in my car, and all around puts me in a terrific mood.

I’m out of the loop lately for the last few years so i’m unaware as to what genre this is. I’m just going to classify it as house/techo right now.

If you want to know exactly what I’m talking about you can listen to a few one minute clips of his top downloads on Beatport. You can buy the songs individually for $2.49 as well. (Hint hint, I’d love this for Christmas!).

My personal fav’s:

  • Digital Doom
  • I Don’t Want it
  • Space Invader

I also love really chill ambient music. Stuff that you’d maybe hear in a hair salon, coffee house or whatever. I’m usually content with what music I have, but I haven’t gotten any new songs since 2006 when I was in the height of partying, going to school with some really awesome people who liked the kind of music I liked, and now I’m just getting bored of my music. I need some spiiiiiiice.

If you sign up with Beatport (it’s free), you get 10 free downloads. It’s too bad you don’t actually get to pick your favorite DJ or artist — because that would have been much better on my part.

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No Cake for You

Nobody wants their face to look cakey after taking the time to put on foundation to cover up flaws. Am I right?

Even with liquid foundation, it sometimes looks as if I have a cake–face some mornings and I’m not sure why. (Sad face).

But fret not, I have a cure ladies! Remember when I posted here, and here about the wonderful lip balm and cream called Avène?  I decided to pick up some spray that is basically spring water that you spritz on your face to set your make up. A little less harsh than MAC’s Fix +,  which won’t let your pores breath, and will clog up those pore after multiple uses. Gross. All you do is apply foundation, bronzer if needed and spray on the Avène with the aerosol can and yes it will look like you drenched your face but just wait a bit for it to dry. Pat dry if needed, but I usually just get my 187 brush out from MAC and swirl it around my face and voila — dewy–ness achieved. Then, if I want to look a bit flushed I add some blush cream to my face for some wintery rosey cheeks.


(Pardon the blank facial expression)

It works, trust me! You should seriously try it out.

What I need now, is some face moisturizer for winter. Right now I’m just using Neutrogena’s cream from the summer, and it’s probably not moisturizing enough for my soon to be eczema face in the upcoming dry months. :(  Any recommendations?

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The wee little ones

IMG_0137 copyIMG_0186 copy12I received these photos about two weeks ago in my email inbox from my Mom, but I failed to post them until now. These are my nephews. Four boys: Eoghan 17, Oisin 11, Kelan is 3 and Ruairi will be 2 next month. The spiderman pajamas’s are my favorite.

You see, my Brother now works on the oil rigs in Newfoundland, but he still resides in Ireland. That’s right. He flies back and fourth every three weeks from Newfoundland, to Ireland. Think that would get a bit tiring, no? Ya gotta do, what you gotta do to support a family of 6 hey? I hope they move to Canada (specifically Newfoundland) soon. Apparently that’s in the talks right now, but other than that I don’t know much.

I would so fly home on long weekends and holidays just to see their faces. I almost dislike looking at photos of them, because I am reminded as to how much I’m missing out on them growing up.

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