It has been quite the hiatus that I took from making YouTube videos. But as of 2 weeks ago, I’m back at it. Not getting all into beauty videos anymore, but more of a follow me around California vlogging style videos. Which, shows a lot more of my personality there instead of still photos, duh. As it would.
So without further ado, please check out my channel and subscribe for more videos as I post them every Monday & Wednesday.
As you all know, Megan and I are really good friends, especially since she lived in California too. Unfortunately, she moved back to Toronto area and since we miss each other a lot, we decided to do a YouTube collaboration and see if we could do our whole face of makeup in under 5 minutes, and film it!
Do you think we did it? Check out the two videos below, and go to our channels to enter the mini giveaways :)
I don’t wear makeup, so I don’t really know anything about it. I always find these sorts of tutorials interesting :)
@Robin Rue (@massholemommy): The only way I learned how to apply makeup was probably 5 years ago, by watching YouTube videos.
Nancy recently posted..YouTube video! 5 minute makeup challenge + mini giveaway
Your channel sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck with it and sometimes taking a hiatus just makes coming back that much better.
@Grace Hodgin: Thanks! Like I mentioned above, I am taking a different subject path with the videos. More of being a tour-guide in California, instead of a beauty-guru.
Nancy recently posted..YouTube video! 5 minute makeup challenge + mini giveaway
OH MY GAH. I Love this! How fun, I miss your youtube videos. I watched this one with Kyla and she is now a HUGE fan of you! Shes loving this. What a fun challenge. Also you make me want to wear more make up. SO PRETTY you are!
Jeanine recently posted..A Taste Bud Tantalizing Coffee Blend: From Coast To Coast Coffee
Youtube is seriously the best “invention” ever :) Not only can you learn to do your make-up in 5 minutes, you can learn to change your oil without messing your make-up up :) Gonna go enter!
Christy Maurer recently posted..Grant Writing Ceremony
That was a great tutorial. I love how you gave specific information on everything you were doing. Some tutorials are not very tutorish.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted..Gifts for Grads through Upromise
Almost 30 and STILL don’t really know what I’m doing in the make-up department… ridiculous!
Sheena recently posted..FIFA Women’s World Cup 2015
I couldn’t stop watching and I found myself cheering you on. You made it! I’m such a makeup person (my daughter is a makeup artist) and I loved your video. Awesome!
Alli Smith recently posted..5 Tips On Doing Laundry Like a Pro
Love the video – you did awesome in 5 minutes! There’s no way I would be able to get all my makeup done in 5 minutes! I should try though!
Michelle @ Dishes and Dust Bunnies recently posted..4th of July Free Printable Cupcake Wrappers
@Michelle @ Dishes and Dust Bunnies: Test it out, and report back haha! :)
Nancy recently posted..#LoveWins
This was a great tutorial! I like this challenge too. I get distracted in the morning so makeup can take a really long time, even when I’m not using much!
Liz Mays recently posted..Netflix Recommendations: Netflix Just Gets Me #StreamTeam
Holly Molly, if I have to wear a decent makeup it would probably take me an hour to do it lol. You guys rock!
Chubskulit Rose recently posted..My Prince Charming
I wish I could wear makeup. I would definitely take your ideas to heart. However, makeup break me out horribly, so I quit wearing it entirely.
Dawn McAlexander recently posted..Summer Essentials To Compliment Your Healthy Summer Routine #cbias #ad #RewardHealthyChoices
@Dawn McAlexander: Oh no! I have a friend who has that same issue :(
Nancy recently posted..#LoveWins
The only makeup I use are lipstick and mascara. My daughter will be interested in this.
Dogvills recently posted..Tips for Bathing a Dog That is Afraid of Water
These are awesome videos indeed and I never thought to put coverup on the brush which I am going to have to try. Good job girls. Thanks for the tips too.
I wear makeup but keep it simple. I usually just use bb cream, eye liner and mascara! I definitely want to practice a little more on myself and these tutorials are perfect for me. Thank you for sharing.
I don’t wear makeup very often. Usually its when I have to dress up for events or something going on like a funeral, wedding, ect.
Uplifting Families recently posted..Visit Sea World and Aquatica this Summer in San Antonio, Texas #seaworldsanantonio
@Uplifting Families: That’s totally okay! Not everyone “has” to wear makeup. I just hope you enjoyed watching the challenge to put on my own makeup in less than 5 minutes :)
Nancy recently posted..#LoveWins
I am going to try this challenge. I used to wear makeup all the time and slowly have stopped. Five minutes is very easy to do.
I have been wanting to start wearing makeup. I always feel like i do not have enough time in the morning to put it on. I will have to give this a try.
I could use a little brushing up in the makeup department. I think this is great!
That’s about 4.5 mins longer than I spend on my makeup in the morning lol, but atleast 55 minutes less than my sister! I just forwarded her the link becasue she needs to take off the Mac force field and go more natural like you pretty girls :)
OMgoodness…you are too cute in this video. Your excitement throughout the tutorial is so fun to watch. Happy that you were able to beat the challenge.
Yona Williams recently posted..8 Gift Ideas for a Gym Rat
I got my butter gloss! I love it, thank you :) I appreciate you!
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