Today is my (older) brother’s birthday. Well. Only brother/sibling really. I like reiterating that he’s older. Ha!
Throwback Thursday:
It’s so good to see him almost every time I fly home to Newfoundland (he works out of province). For 10 years he was living in Ireland with his (awesome) Irish wife and all their children. 3 years ago they moved to Canada and it’s tremendous being able to see my nephews 3-4x/year.
Gotta go! I’m running late for work. I had this huge post I wanted to write but I’ll do it on tomorrow mornings post!
p.s: Check out this Zildjian T-Shirt, I kinda want it!
You look exactly the same. Too cute!!!
Candi recently posted..baking cupcakes
@Candi: Thanks! Even that “recent” photo was taken 6 years ago when I went to visit him in Ireland!
Nancy recently posted..Throwback Thursday