Blogging pet peeves


What are some of your blogging pet peeves? Most of these topics I listed doesn’t bother me incredibly much, but it’s a fun way to subliminally get messages across to people, right? :)

  • Multiple blog entries with no photos! I’m a visual person − I love pictures.
  • Huge blocks of text without any paragraphs. Please hit enter.
  • I have a few sites that I would like to comment on, but rarely do because of the security feature they have on their comments section. If I have to enter a code in order for my comment to get verified, I’ll rarely comment. If you’re worried about spam, there’s a feature on WordPress called Akismet Stats. It catches all your spam so you don’t have to use that double-comment feature.
  • People who visit your blog for the giveaway you’re hosting – saying they love your site, but never return. 
  • Bloggers that just use their website to complain. I also dislike bloggers calling other bloggers out. I unfollow their blog when that sort of thing happens. Remember, if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all.
  • No “About Me” pages. Those are so informative, or just fun to read. Who are you?
  • Ignoring spell check. Grammar, and punctuation doesn’t bother me all that much. But please learn the basics on how to spell definitely without an “a”, and use the correct your, you’re, it’s, its … etc.
  • Partial feeds on Google RSS. I dislike clicking on websites to read the whole entry, I want to read the post faster through my e-mail. If I like what I read, I’ll visit your site then

What sort of things annoy you? Minor or major! Comment below and let me know :)

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  1. yes too long posts!
    no pics and just talk talk talk
    giveaway peeps who comment and never hear from again
    people who say they LOVE your blog and you never see them comment again
    happy weekend nancy!

  2. I totally agree on the give-a-way one! I hate it when people only comment because they want something! But I think I am guilty of the no photos one! Sorry! hehe!

  3. I always read your blog but I think I’m guilty of only commenting on giveaways! I am trying to be a better commenter in general, because really it’s one of the best parts of blogging.

    Nancy says: It’s okay I still <3 you and your blog!

  4. Mine are usually when people complain a lot or when they just write too much and it’s not interesting. I try to read everything but if the first paragraph is boring, I won’t read anymore! Lol :x I try to keep my posts short & interesting bc I know I can ramble on and on and on.

    Nancy says: It’s hard for me to write not long looking entries. The style of this blog, everything looks massive and long. It sucks! lol

  5. Ok, so I’m commenting and it’s not a giveaway! That’s got to get on your good side, right? ;) I would have to agree with you on most of your pet-peeve list, actually. Which is why I have a hard time finding blogs that I can keep my interest in. It seems like everyone’s on my crap list when it comes to blogs! Yours is definitely refreshing, though.

    Nancy says: Thanks for visiting, I noticed on your blog we have the same type of car! Mazda 3 hatch, mine’s in white :)

  6. LOL. This post made me laugh.

    I’ve been blog hopping for a few months and have noticed the same things: people not formatting their post into separate paragraphs (my eyes just go cross eyed trying to read it), people attacking other bloggers (really – they need to get a life!), and the contests only open to US residents. HATE IT. Canada is a huge country and we want to win some stuff too.

    I only recently found your blog and love it! Loving the outfit pics. I was into that a few months ago and now have found no time. I blame my 2 year old. Finding time to take a photo without her interfering is almost impossible.

  7. I agree with many of these pet peeves (I’m just getting caught up on reading old entries so please excuse the totally late comment). I realize that I may be guilty of only commenting on contests, but I do read all your posts! I’ll try to comment more :)

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