Food. In ma bellay

Does anyone watch any of Gordon Ramsey’s shows? Doesn’t it come on TV tonight? We have 6 channels at home and most of the time only 4 are accessible because the other channels are Italian. Or something.

Either way, I don’t watch much TV but I’m glad we have the cable or whatever it is, still hooked up from the last tenant — 5 years ago.

I love watching Ramsey freak out. I wonder if he has ulcers from yelling at every incompetent person around him. I’m not sure what my favorite part is; him freaking out of him renovating and giving people super deluxe brand new restaurant equipment and supplies.

Funny how you don’t really know whats going on, even if it’s a popular spot — and then PEW PEW PEW! Ramsey shows up and guts your place (then of course gives you all new restaurant supplies). What do you guys think of it all? I think I’d love to take it on, not necessarily to be yelled at by him. But to learn more about cooking.

I know nothing unless I have a recipe to follow. I can make a roast chicken dinner from scratch, because I had directions over the phone from my Mom. But give me the simplest of tasks like cooking a hard boiled egg? I screw it up!

Honestly. I need someone to cook me the easy stuff because I can certainly handle the harder things. That doesn’t mean I’m a ready to be a chef because I have absolutely no idea what tastes go together. The boyfriend even tells me that my go-to spice is Italian seasoning. It’s true! If I don’t know what would taste good in something like my own panini sauce. In goes the Italian dressing.

Are you the same way? How did you learn how to cook?

Subconsciously I think I remembered somehow, when I watched my Mom in the kitchen (and not helping). I knew what to do with things before cooking them and what not. I wish I had her abilities to create random recipes off the top of my head and make them turn out delicious (like the things on the recipe page? Some of that is her very own creations).

All this food talk is making my belly rumble. I don’t think I ate enough breakfast, haha.

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  1. I learned how to cook from Keith. When we first started dating I did NOT cook…at all! In fact he hid my engagement ring in the kitchen because he knew I would never look there! haha! But once we moved in together I took an interest mainly because I would hang out with him in the kitchen while he cooked! Now he rarely cooks because I love it! haha! :)

  2. I think I learned most of what I do from trial and error. I cook very differently from my mom, so it’s just been a slow learning process- although I will not go without crediting her for teaching me little secrets in the kitchen that I know now!

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