The abundance of e-mails and notices on Facebook and Twitter are awesome this morning. I love waking up super early on my birthday and making the most of my (our — birthday twin!) day.
No I will not tell you how old I am today.
Yesterday I went out to run with the “Learn To Run” group at the gym. Me and another lady ended up running at a quicker pace, as we usually do — but this time we lost the group for good. We ended up doing 4.2km’s and doing the 5 minute run, 1 minute walks. We did that twice, and then I had no idea when five minutes was up, so I kept running until I hit a set of lights thinking I’d stop at a red. Well, it was green when I got to it, so I kept on going until we were done. I have no idea what pace we did, but my lungs felt like they were going to burst out of my ribs. That’s the only problem I have with running, about 3/4 the way through the run – no matter the length of the run whether it be 5.69k, or 4.2k, my lungs can’t get enough air, and I feel like death. It was fun though! Honestly. I can definitely see myself going longer distances, especially when you run for 10 minutes, and look forward to that 1 minute off for a quick break — even if the minute flies by. So exciting.
I haven’t opened any of my cards that I received from family (and you! THANK YOU Kelly!), I should have though. I’m anticipating and waiting to get home after work so I can rip them all open! Haha.
Have a good day all… it’s payyyyday! Don’t forget — you can win a hair straightener by entering in my contest that ends on Monday! Wahooo.
Happy Birthday!!! Hope its a wonderful one :)
PS: I bought a new domain ;) yuuup. But fixing things up. I’ll let you know once it’s done :)
Nancy says: Yay! Can’t wait to see it!!
¡¡¡¡Feliz Cumpleaños!!!!! I hope you have the most exciting an incredible birthday party with plenty of presents.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day!!! :)
Hope you have a fantastic day!
You are MORE THAN welcome! Happy Birthday honey! I hope you have a great day!!!
Happy birthday, love! And yay that it coincides with payday for you :D
I wished you a Happy Birthday on twitter but I just wanted to say it again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY<3 I hope you had an awesome one, You're such a great woman you deserve a great day!!
Happy Birthday Nancy!! Sorry I’m late! :)
I hope your big day was wonderful and relaxing! Yay for birthday twins!