Safe bet

It’s safe to say I now have a full blow sinus flu. After complaining yesterday about an eyeball headache (lol), I ended up going to be at 8PM and sleeping for almost 23 straight hours. I woke up during lunch time today to let my dog out do eat and do his stuff, then conked out again until the boyf came home to save and feed me.

I don’t remember the last time I was ill like this — it has to definitely be more than a few years ago. I don’t remember having a sinus flu or cold/flu after being with Scott and that’s like 5 years! Moses. Hopefully it doesn’t worsen so that I need antibiotics or anything. I plan on going to work tomorrow!

My right side of my face feels clogged and the left side? 100% normal. This is how colds/flus affect me. Sinus’. It’s brutal.

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