What I Ate Wednesday #5

WIAW-HeaderFolks, it’s time. It’s time to take a photo of everything I’ve eaten in the run of a day and post it on the blog for everyone’s enjoyment. I do have to say, though that sounded sarcastic, and it was kinda supposed to — I actually do enjoy seeing what people eat in the run of a day. Kinda gets me motivated to cook something different for once.

It’s been since July that I posted a What I Ate Wednesday (thanks to Peas & Crayons for organizing these WIAW’s). Let’s jump right in, details at the bottom of the post. Many of the items I ate aren’t photographed. Sometimes, I get too hungry man. With that being said:





8:42a: I pour myself a glass of icy cold water from the fridge, then grab a banana and a handful of raw nuts (with mini m&m’s), because I’m too lazy to put together a real breakfast. Does anyone else hate their bananas with even the slightest bit of brown on it? It’s the last one, and I could’ve easily chucked it in the freezer for smoothies, but I took one for the team, and ate it. Brown spots and all.

10:36a: Since I’m about to head to the climbing gym to do yoga and boulder after (and try to get this one V3 boulder problem I’ve been working), I want my belly to be full until I can get a real meal in. I turn on our new Dolce Gusto and make myself a hot cuppa tea before changing into climbing gear, then grab a Taste of Nature bar while I head out the door.

2:30p: After climbing and yoga, I’m ravishing. I swung by Whole Foods and picked up two sandwiches from their deli counter and brought it home with me. Not pictured. I ate it while driving home. Ha!

7:03p: I was on my own for supper, so I heated up my favourite tomato bisque soup (Campbell’s, you’re mmm-mmm-good) a tall glass of milk, with a few cheese and crackers on the side (I snapped the picture before getting the milk + cheese + crackers).

9:45p: The Guy and I are slowly getting through his birthday ice cream cake, so we had a piece of that later on too. No photo, because I’m an animal and cannot take a photo of something so delicious.

Taste-of-NatureYou may notice the abundance of posed photos of me hanging out, eating a Taste of Nature bar. I received a number of boxes from the Canadian “granola” bar company to try out this summer. I brought a ton along with me to Lake Tahoe when my husband was going to do his 6th Ironman, but it ended up being cancelled. I’ve been treating these bars as a special treat every once in a while, or when I’m late and feeling rushed and need to get something down in my belly. They’re also great to pop into your purse for on the go.

Taste-Of-Nature-barModelling my manicured climber hand with the bar in front of the Ironman Lake Tahoe athlete village. Why not. There’s something different about these bars that I find irresistible. I’ve had a couple of these Himalayan Goji Summit bars throughout the Lake Tahoe adventure (which unfortunately got cancelled).

I’ve been taking these bars to the climbing gym to snack on, since I’m there hours at a time, between yoga and bouldering I get a little famished from time-to-time. Some of the bars are paleo friendly (the Brazil nut one I have contains some brown rice syrup and whole grain brown rice crisps, and seeds which aren’t paleo friendly) but for the most part they taste pretty awesome. Then again I love these types of bars.

If you’re interested in the facts, here are some Taste of Nature highlights:

  •     Bars are under 200 calories
  •     6 flavours available in the USA: Brazilian Nut Festival, California Almond Valley, Quebec Cranberry, Canadian Maple Forest, Himalayan Goji Summit, and Persain Pomegranate Garden
  •     Bars are $1.99 each
  •     Non-GMO, Gluten free and 100% certified organic bars with nothing artificial, no filers and no added sugar.

Disclaimer: I was sent a few boxes of Taste of Nature bars in exchange for my review. Options are no one else’s but my own.

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What I Ate Wednesday #4

What I Ate Wednesday

My husband and I drink smoothies in the morning for our breakfast, but unfortunately ran out of greek yogurt and I was too lazy to drive to the grocery store to get the one item, so decided to wait it out until we needed more food. So no smoothies were happening yesterday :(

This is a recap of all the food I consumed yesterday for a fourth instalment of What I Ate Wednesday. I love doing these, mainly because I like to see what kind of food everyone seems to enjoy, or not enjoy. I guess we’re all nosey creatures by nature. So let’s jump right into it.

banana8:20am — The Guy woke up earlier than usual to go to work, so I got up with him around 7:30 and helped him gather his things. After he was gone, I ate a banana.

fruit and nut9:20am — I wanted to wait a little longer to have this fruit (1 peach plus a bunch of strawberries) and raw nuts combo, because I knew I’d be going to yoga then climbing, and wouldn’t have much food in my belly until mid-afternoon.

gnocchi3:00pm — Not much left, but I ate some chicken (not pictured as I ate the chicken before photographing) gnocchi pasta that I made the other night. I was craving pizza so bad, since we’ve been eating take out for the majority of the past two weeks. But I decided to stay boring and somewhat healthy and eat my leftovers. So appetizing, I know. I ran out of pasta sauce and decided to make my own concoction of butter, garlic, milk and whatever else I could think of. Tasted good at least.

tea and snacks5:55pm — spotta tea and a snack (chocolate covered raisins, unsweetened dried mango and plantains) while I caught up on YouTube videos.

Ghirardelli7:50pm —More chocolate. My last square of the mini Ghirardelli samples they were giving out at the store in San Francisco.

chickensalad9:45pm — Chicken salad for The Guy and myself.

Questions for you:

Coffee or tea?
Tea or iced coffee for me.

What’s your favourite chocolate brand?

Peanut butter or caramel?
Caramel 100%

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What I Ate Wednesday #3

What I Ate Wednesday
The third instalment of “WIAW’s”! I enjoy doing these, since I love lurking into what everyone else seems to eat in the run of a day. So I’ll keep this going, as long as it entertains me :)

I definitely didn’t try to make most of my photos pretty today, like that yucky looking pizza shot. It was delicious and I was too excited to eat it to visually style it blogger-style.

morning smoothie9:25am — I made a berry smoothie with Skoop once again. This is a recycled photo from the weekend. But it kinda counts, as it’s the same ingredients.

morning snack10:45am — I made a snack plate before heading to the gym. Good thing I did because I spent 75 minutes at yoga, and 90 minutes bouldering.

Trader Joes sample3:30pm — Swung by Trader Joe’s to pick up a few groceries, always have to stop at their sample bar area. This one was a mango sorbet with a nice little cracker.

Trader Joes Pineapple Juice3:45pm — So thirsty. Bought this little can of pure pineapple juice (no sugar added!) for $0.75 at Trader Joes. Cracked into’er immediately. Refreshing.

wiaw pizza lunch4:30pm — Ate my two slices of home-made pizza lunch and threw away half the mango. It was gross, probably not ripe enough.

wiaw good supper10:30pm — I’m surprised I even took a photo of my supper, as I was starving at this point. The Guy ended up getting home way later than anticipated. So, I waited. My supper was devoured within about 92 seconds. Everything you see from supper is from Trader Joe’s, basically.

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