The bread winner

Funny moment #1: Yesterday I was coming out of the parking garage in my apartment building. I go behind the building’s parking lot up this lane way which is technically one-way and everyone breaks the rules to avoid the street lights. So, I was venturing up the lane way…the wrong way. And the superintendent (who I LOVE…and is just freaking hilarious) waves me over to the side as if he wanted to talk to me. I turn my tunes off, roll down the window and he walks over to me . He points to the back of my car saying…. “Nancy. (serious look on his face) Your back wheels?…………. Are moving forward”. He stumped me for half a second until I BURST out laughing and had a good chuckle at his joke. He ALWAYS has something funny to say. I hope that man never leaves the building. Then again, he probably won’t after he’s been there longer than we have (Boyf moved into the building over 6 years ago).

Funny moment #2: My Mom e-mailed me a Graphic Design position at the local university back home in Newfoundland as she always does. Not the most subliminal message asking me to move back home. This time I sent it to The Boyf saying “If I apply to this job and get it. I’ll be the bread dough winner“. TOTALLY meaning to write bread-winner of the relationship. But I forgot how it was worded. Then than e-mail thread totally got hijacked by him saying he wanted to buy a bread maker (he’s been going on about getting a bread maker for the past few months). Was that funny? lol…I feel like it was. Then again it doesn’t take much to make me laugh.

Yesterday on my lunch break I went shopping. I bought 3 pairs of sunnies for $10. Heck yea Ardene!sunnies

I sat on my other sunglasses (shown below, but they’re exactly the same) and broke them. So now I’ve stocked up on three pairs that all look pretty similar. Love the black ones the best. In retrospect I should’ve just got three pairs of black ones. Creature of habit. 1063923_10153005567830176_279018400_o
I then picked up 4 pairs of socks for $18…I love how summery they look! Am I the only one who gets excited about things like this?
The Boyf and I went on a small, but fun adventure this weekend. We picked up some fresh produce from the local Farmer’s Market. I love that we have more than one market to choose from (I only know of three), so each week I literally go to a different one. Love how inexpensive the produce is. We didn’t need too much, so I only picked up tomatoes, peaches, strawberries and bell peppers.

Then we drove to Burlington to pick up a new wetsuit and tried it out on one of the lakes. wetsuitcoming out of watermuscle back

This pic below is an old one of him, but I still love it and it kind of relates to what I’m talking about lol.
2xu wetsuit

From there we packed up the car and headed out to a friends house for a potluck. I immediately spotted some homemade lemon macaroons (macarons?). They were to DIE for. Everyone was gobbling them up.macaroons

Totally getting photo bombed here. I wanted The Boyf to take a picture of me with this vodka bottle that has the best packaging ever. It’s made in Canada, but someone at the potluck mentioned it was made in Newfoundland? I’m not sure if it was the vodka in them that was talking, or if it’s truly made in Newfoundland. Anyone know? hahavodka skull photo bomb

What did you do this weekend?

What do you normally bring to a potluck?
We were requested to bring a spinach salad which I loaded up with nuts, seeds, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries. Topped with some coconut oil and balsamic vinaigrette.

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My Fitness goals

Setting goals gives me a long term vision and short term motivation. Sounds like I know what I’m talking about, right? ha ha.

Seriously though. It focuses me in a way and helps me organize my time to make the most out of what I’m working towards. It needs to be challenging but achievable. I track my workouts whenever I do them and post my weekly workout schedule for the previous week on my blog each Monday morning.

Sometimes it’s tough. I always need to remember you’re only one workout from a good mood. I cannot stress that enough. I’ve had a few hard days, and just heading into work out and finishing it up makes me in such a better mood. Working out also keeps me much more alert and I really do have much more energy when I work out throughout the week, than on those weeks where I skip.

My favorite photo I’ve taken of the Boyfriend at one of his many races.

It doesn’t hurt that I have a boyfriend that works out (even more!) than I do – so I almost get a sense of regret if I don’t work out as often as I had planned. Seeing him strive, reach his goals through hard work really pushes me to be a better person in life. Stay motivated, and to stay on track.

I always like to keep up on my weekly fitness plan and say that I’ll go workout so many times per week, write down my workouts on my blog, so I can keep track of my workouts and what I’ve achieved that week.

I am not a professional athlete or anything, so I of course do it for the pure bliss I get from going to workout classes, or climbing.

It’s good to keep my goals realistic. For instance, instead of saying “I want to lose x-pounds by x-date” probably isn’t the best way to go about it. Instead, start thinking more along the lines of “I will run 3 times this week for x-minutes, and next week I’ll run 4 times for longer x-minutes.”

Goals that I have accomplished, which currently keeps me completely motivated is competing and doing well in climbing competitions.

This photo is a few years old since I haven’t been in a top-rop climbing competition and placing second in the Women’s division.  I have to say, I felt like I crushed it that day. I remember it so well. In fact, this photo of me was published on the front page of my local newspaper back home in Newfoundland. The first place woman who beat me, had her hand better secured on the exact same hold as me. We fell in the same spot on the 2nd route we had to climb, because we both made it to the top of this crimpy route. Man. Just typing it makes my fingertips  sweat!

One of my favorite photos of me bouldering (a different style of climbing) back in December.

Here’s a more recent photo of me, climbing a 5.10 (rating of the route) at the local climbing gym here in Ontario, that I go to.

However, I do have goals that I’m working towards getting better at my hand stand push ups, and to climb much more often than I’m doing now. I ended up taking the entire summer off. I think the last time I climbed was when I was with Stephanie. It seems way too long ago :( I’m actually thinking of recruiting some GTA bloggers to come out here and try indoor rock climbing. People like Morgan, Jess, Robyn, Angela, and Krysten! Wouldn’t that be fun!?

So, I’d love to know what some of your goals, or what goals you’ve already accomplished in your life time. Have you ever ran a marathon? Tell me about it in the comments, or share it on Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful contest for women.

Under Armour Women are encouraged to share their fitness journeys and receive free gear, and support from Under Armour along the way. Super exciting right? All ya gotta do it share some goals you’re working towards or already accomplished. So easy to enter!

The 10 women with the most awesome #WhatsBeautiful journeys will win a trip to Florida (omg I’ve never been) to the Under Armou Women’s Camp Sweat, where you will train with the BEST. AHH!!

I already know of a few people who should definitely enter. Leanne from Fresh Season, and definitely Jill from Bluegrass Belle. Whattta ya think ladies? You going to join in on the What’s Beautiful fun?

What’s Beautiful entrants are eligible to win prizes. Contest is open to residents of Canada and the USA, however you have to be older than 13 to enter.

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Hello Saturday, I love you!

Well! I’m in a peppy kind of mood this morning. I think it helped going to bed at midnight and waking up half past ten! ha ha!! I leaped out of bed. I hate getting up that late I only like to sleep in until close to ten ;)  on the weekends. Otherwise I feel like the day is half gone.

I woke up like a starved gull and headed straight for the kitchen to make some scrambled eggs, toast and tea. We buy our eggs in an 18-pack, they don’t last long. We had 3 left in the 18-pack and a full carton left in the fridge. I don’t know why I decided that it made sense to make all 3 remaining eggs for myself. It was definitely a sport to get them all down. Maybe I added too much milk to my mixture. What does milk do, anyway for eggs? Taste good, that’s all I know.

P.S. — I use this Roasted Red Pepper Aioli stuff on everything. Salads, Paninis, Eggs, you name it, it’s on there. Apparently it’s a local guy who makes this stuff. Chef Robert Private Stock. I went without these delicious bottles for the WHOLE summer since David’s Gourmet was out of stock. Shame on them for not feeding my addiction. They’re pricey, at nearly $7 a bottle, but I should seriously consider contacting the guy who makes it and buy it in bulk of 12 or something. The stuff doesn’t last long in our kitchen because I use an abundance of it, on everything. I was only there a few weeks ago, bought 3 bottles of it and only 1.5 bottles is left. It’s all in my BELLY. I’ve gotten co-workers hooked on it, and even sent some down to my Mom in Newfoundland, during the winter last year. Though, I haven’t heard if she liked it or not. Mom, do you?

Sorry about the useless ingredient list. I swear it’s in English. My triathelete of a boyfriend has no issue with the ingredients and doesn’t see any harm in me downing a bottle of it in a week, so it mustn’t have anything too bad in it for me. ;)

Later on this afternoon I think I’m going to head out to Sport Chek and get my new Zoot’s exchanged for another size. I was disappointed to see that their sizing isn’t as accurate as I had hoped. I thought I had tried on Zoot’s in the past while the boyfriend was adding to his triathlon-shoe collection.

In fact! People always ask me how I online shop all the time. I say that I’m a true 8.5 in my shoe, and all shoes fit the same. Except these silly Zoot’s. It’s no biggie. There’s plenty of store locations around me, so exchanging them won’t be an issue.

I can’t believe how chatty I am today. Usually I take a break from blogging on the weekends but clearly not today.

After I ate my breakfast, the Boyfriend requested I make him one too — I had planned on making him a “big breakfast” (usually consists of hash browns, sausages, and eggs) once he got back from his bike ride. But he’s a bit delayed this morning so I made one after I had mine.


Alright. Maybe I’ll go make myself useful now and run around and do some errands. I was thinking of doing a “Day In The Life” blog post, taking photos of everything I do in the run of a day (idea taken from my friend Leanne). I’m just not feeling it today. But would you guys be interested in that?

I have a daily blog, as you guys know (duh). But I find it extremely difficult to blog what happened the same day, or blog each meal/snack and post it online. It’s a lot of photo editing, and writing! Kudos to those who do it. Especially Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers, and Courtney from Sweet Tooth Sweet Life. There ya go. Check out some new blog reads for yourself. I’m sure you’ve heard of them already, but they’re two of my favorite go-to blogs for a daily-in-the-life type of ordeal.

Wow. Long post. Later gaters. But before I go, is anyone interested in vehicle wraps virginia? They’re basically car wraps that you see on race cars. I doubt anyone who reads my blog, races cars. But you never know!

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