Alfie goes hiking | POM Friday

Wide-open-hikeWell, I take my words back on saying that its cooled down and fall has arrived. Mother Nature lied. I seem to forget how long these sunny days last. I mean, it’s almost there, with a cool morning but then it ends up being one scorcher of a day come mid-afternoon.

standing-stillMy mistake taking Alfie hiking on Tuesday when it was 34+C (I think it was in the 90’s if you’re in the Fahrenheit-speak). So the hike was cut short, but I think the little mister definitely enjoyed himself. He loves his car rides and now he’s started to pick up on the word “adventure”, and whenever I say it to him or my husband that I’ll be taking Alfie on an adventure, Alfie looks at me with excited eyes. I’ve also been getting quite a bit of good use out of my Mizuno Sayonara’s. Anyone want to see a review between the Wave Riders and the Sayonara’s I have? Thoughts?



Alfies-AdventuresAgain, I took the Mazda 3 hatch out for a drive down to South San Jose (I think). That’s Alfie’s excited face :)

Lucky-RingsBut whenever hiking alone, I remove my wedding rings and don’t carry valuables with me. Pthf…never know! Creeps are everywhere man. I get sketched out, plus Alfie isn’t exactly a protector dog size, even though he’s a loud-mouth he will deter any weirdos with his loud barking lol. So I’ve seen these silicone wedding rings around the internet for a few years but didn’t think anything of it. Lucky Rings reached out to me and asked if Scott and I wanted to try them out. Honestly, they’re just that — silicone so they’re super inexpensive (and I got 7 colours to choose from lol) but handy to have around when you still want to wear something on your ring finger, but don’t want to wear the bling. If I was still into CrossFit (It’s too much $$$ here for my membership) I’d wear it to that too, since it’s bendy and won’t scratch or damage your real rings. Scott got a two-pack as well, but I’m not sure how often he’s going to wear them if we’re being completely honest! By the way, I wasn’t sponsored by any of the brands mentioned. I did receive product to try, but wasn’t required to blog about it. Thought I’d let you know! 



Alfie-jumpingEnjoy the pics! Have a great weekend :)

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POM Friday | Exploring Downtown San Jose

POM-Friday-HeaderI don’t trek to downtown San Jose very often, mainly because the parking meters cost a fortune for a measly 15 minutes, and when I do go down I tend to go to a spot where I can get validated parking if I spend so much at a certain store/restaurant. Which, was my plan for this Monday that just passed by. I wanted to return a filing case to MUJI and I needed wanted more of their hexagon pens before they sold out of them for another year (which probably wasn’t a year, but it felt that long to be without my favourite pen!).




I brought Alfie along for the ride, and decided to take him out for his first downtown San Jose adventure. I stayed pretty much on the main street (I think it’s the main street, anyway) on Market.


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POM Friday at Communications Hill

pom-FRI-HEADERIt’s happening again! Weekly POM Friday posts, so get excited for it. Many people requested it, and many people love seeing Alfie’s adventures and what he gets up to in a run of a week.

alfie-tongue-outI gave him another haircut the day prior to driving to Communications Hill in (south?) San Jose and people definitely noticed! I trim Alfie’s hair myself, right outside our front porch, and I’ve been doing that since he was a pup, but sometimes I trim other places more carefully than others. When Alfie and I were minding our own business on the popular workout spot that is the stairs of Communications Hill, some old dudes who were doing their sweaty workout decided to point out that Alfie loooked as though he had a haircut, and it was botched.

alfie-run-to-meI was so stunned to even reply. Rude! Either way, both my husband and I agree, Alfie does not look botched — in fact I think he’s pretty proud, prancing around with his new haircut.

stairs-on-communications-hiCommunications Hill is a gorgeous spot to do a hefty workout, or enjoy a walk along the trails overlooking the city. What a view from the top!

Enjoy the photos! Looks like Alfie definitely had a time.


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