My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, week 16)

I’ve decided to incorporate some of my own photos in my CrossFit journal posts. Let me know if you like it this way, with just text, or with diagrams of what the workouts actually consist of (see here for an example).


year 1, week 16, day one

I completed 10 rounds (and doing unassisted kips!) + 4 kips in the 20 min time limit. I’m happy! :)

What I looked like after I completed “CINDY”. Swoob. Swass. Sw-everything. White was definitely not a great color to wear. My top got filthy :)  I had to rest when I got home. I still felt light headed from the workout. Crazy!


year 1, week 16, day two

I skipped CrossFit and ended up going for a 6km run.

I found this neat site called (weird name, I know) but it calculates everything for you, your pace in km or mph.

6k run in 37 minutes = 9:55 minute mile. Not my fastest, I took a lot of walking breaks for 1 minute at a time. But I can’t believe I ran SIX KILOMETERS. I haven’t ran in two years. I’ve shocked myself, in a good way. I also need to chill the F out when I run. I did take two puffs of my inhaler before leaving. But I’m also so very self-competitive and it ruins my runs sometimes, as I try to beat my times constantly.


year 1, week 16, day three

Filthy Fifty for time

50 Box jump; 24/20″
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings; 16/12kg
50 Walking Lunge steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press; 45/35lbs
50 Superman Arches
50 Wall ball shots; 20/16lbs
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

We had a 35 minute time limit. I wasn’t expecting to end up making it down to the wall ball shots (I used a 14kg ball). I didn’t count because I only had three minutes left in the WOD to do the rest of the workout. I usually skip CrossFit if we have to do wall balls. lol. I hate them that much. I probably did 10-15.

The workout was great though. I don’t think I did it prescribed though since a lot of my “knees to elbows” weren’t really to my elbows. Oops :)


Father’s Day was yesterday. Hope everyone called their jolly ol’ daddio and wished them a Happy Fathers Day, or at least saw them. My Dad is a 3 hour plane ride away. Oh, and to all the new Dad’s out there. Hope you got some new dad gifts for Father’s Day. I know this was Kristien’s first Father’s Day with his brand new little guy named Henry. Congratulations again Caitlin, Kristien, Henry… the whole HTPFamily :)

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My CrossFit Journal (Year 1, Week 5)

I’m in a rut, and I need to get out of it. Once a week at CrossFit isn’t cutting it. Need to amp it up.


week 5 day one

This was the first WOD I did this week. I’ve decided to show you a video of it, Scott from Your Inner Skinny posted it and I loved it so I decided to share it with you all. Cool huh?

Except I did 45lbs not 100lbs. I got to 12 “thrusters” and about to do 12 kips. But only got to 8… in the seven minute allocated time.


Basically do as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following:
3 Thruster; 100/65lb
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Thruster; 100/65lb
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Thruster; 100/65lb
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Thruster; 100/65lb
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Thruster; 100/65lb
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

Again. I used 45lbs not 65lbs for the Rx’ed womens.


[older crossfit journal entries]

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