I am…

I am a FitFluential Ambassador. What does that mean for my website here at spiffykerms.com?

I’m not going to change who I am, and what I blog about. But I’ve joined a group that influences people to be fit! Since I already am a CrossFitter, Rock Climber and Soccer player I thought it was the perfect edition to my website. Here’s a quote from the website:

FitFluential is a nationwide network of fitness enthusiasts sharing their journey both online and offline through multiple social media platforms.

Go ahead check out the site, and check out all of the people who are also Ambassadors! Or if you’d like to become a FitFluential Ambassador like myself who is interested in fitness blogging, chatting on YouTube  or use FaceBook and twitter. Whatever you do, FitFluential would love to welcome you into the family!

FitFluential members are eligible to receive exclusive discounts and giveaways from their partners. Even in your area. FitFluential is based out of the USA but they welcome their Canadian neighbors like myself. You can take advantage of events in your area, or even take everything to the next level and earn some income by working with the FitFluential partners.

Sounds fun, right?  Signing up to FitFluential is free. Just say I referred you! Remember though, you’re not obligated or committed to do anything, therefore you can cancel your FitFluential membership at any time. 

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Be FitFluential

Why wait until January 1 to make a fresh start? Make those resolutions today, and start now.

Seven tips I would give to a newbie to get into a healthier regimen right now, instead of later.

Tip #1: Simplify your plate. Incorporate more fresh veggies into your daily meal plan. Making your plate as colorful as possible is a great healthy start. Red bell peppers, a bright green spinach salad, white boneless chicken breast, an orange sweet potato. Can you believe I only recently discovered how amazing cauliflower tastes? I tried it for the first time probably a year or so ago, and now I can’t get enough of it. I’m not afraid to pick up a new fruit/veg at the grocery store, and google it when I get home to see what the heck to do with it. Stir frys are always super fun and very fast to make if you’re a working girl. They don’t have to be boring, there are tons of varieties out there. The one’s that I like to make, and if they’re good they go on my recipe page. Like Pad Thai or even Lemon Pepper Chicken. Both are incredibly easy to make.

Tip #2: Don’t be afraid to explore new places alone. When the local climbing gym opened up in August I was afraid to go in and put my climbing shoes on. Bouldering by myself? No problem now! I’ve met a ton of great people and now any time I go in for a climbing session I know a handful of people! Climbers are very welcoming people, we’ll walk up and talk to you if you’re alone or if you are having trouble working on a boulder problem. Find something you love doing and you’ll be much happier. Climbing, and CrossFit are my loves right now. I get excited just thinking about going out in the evenings to do those “workouts” which don’t even feel like workouts anymore since I enjoy it so much. You gotta trust me on this one! Find something you love! :)

Tip #3: Don’t have off-limit foods. I’m trying to convince myself to not eat so much candy. Ha! So instead, I try to save it for indulgences once in a while. (psst, I really need to take my own advice.) Candy often has a lot of unnecessary sugars, and fats. Try replacing your sweet tooth with something almost as satisfying. Often I love to “crunch” on candy. I like to replace candy-crunch with cracker crunch and wash it down with a glass of cool water.

Tip #4: Being healthy doesn’t mean going to the gym all of the time. Start going for walks outdoors, get that heart rate a little high and push yourself. Go up a few hills! If you have a dog (or something else you can walk) bonus! Bonding time for the both of you. I personally don’t like going to a gym as I lose interest within a few months. Which is why I’ve started going to CrossFit, and also climb in my spare time. Unfortunately for me, walking or running to the locations is a wee bit too far.

Tip #5: Feel as though you don’t have enough time in your day to work out? Why not have a jaunt around the building during lunch time? Have fun with it! Handstands in the park. What!? Most people I know have a full 60 minutes for lunch. Most of my day is spent sitting on my butt at work. I don’t want it to become flat and square from sitting for 50 years before I retire. I like to move-it move-it. 

(Reel 2 Real reference anyone?)

Tip #6: Set aside some time for yourself. Feeling stressed? Take a back seat and relax. Pour yourself a luscious warm bubble bath, do nothing for one evening after work, veg out, hang out with your girlfriends. I have tons of ideas to de-stress!

Tip #7: Lastly, get a good nights sleep. They don’t call it beauty rest for nothin’!

That my friends are some of my FitFluential tips for you on how to get started onto a healthier lifestyle! Boom!

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