Tuesday’s Thoughts

Peonies are so photogenic (as is the kitchen floor, hah). The Guy bought these for me at Trader Joe’s on Sunday night, even though he had to tell me they’d be wilted within a few days. I’ve always wanted a bouquet of peonies to brighten up the house, but didn’t know they were seasonal. They have been filling our main floor with a delicious fragrance. I can’t stop smelling them.peonies

Hanging outside, waiting for my sweat to dry off, as you do. I’m back into running. My legs are sore. I’ve ran between 2-3 miles every day since Friday. That’s pretty good right? K, so I only did 3 miles that one day but the other days were 2 miles! Good lord running is mentally hard. After my run

I mailed off the birthday giveaway winner’s prize yesterday. The lightweight hooded sweatshirt I’m wearing was $15 from Old Navy — it’s stretchy and incredibly soft. I’ll be wearing this a lot.Old Navy hoody

Mr. Spiffykerms has been smelling great lately. We got a his and hers Lacoste perfume (not from the same line) from a PR company, that I’ll be talking a bit more about tomorrow.Lacoste

I have been making smoothies non-stop this week. They’ve been keeping me full for pretty long. The base is always a chobani plain non-fat greek yougurt, and I use ice and skim milk with a few pinches of cinnamon as the other half, then add in random stuff.  I made a strawberry banana, PB banana, and a blueberry with other fruit. They were all delicious minus the peanut butter one. That one was for the mister (I hate PB). Blueberry smoothie

There’s nothing worse than a snobby sales associate. Why do some act that way? If you hate your job that much, leave. Not to diss them but aren’t they making minimum wage? Get another job elsewhere, dude. I spent a couple of hours at Nordstrom yesterday taking my time walking through the make-up, beauty and fragrance section. People at Chanel and La Mer were kind, the lady at Cle de Peau gave me a billion and one samples with my purchase, but the dude at Jo Malone was snippy and gave me quick one worded answers, some of which were “mmm-hmm“. No idea if they work on commission but I was sure not to buy anything from him.Samples from Nordstrom

This will be my California uniform for cooler days this summer. White on white. Can’t get better than this. Baseball tee is a sleep-shirt from Old Navy. Twelve bucks.California uniformTell me something random in the comments.

  • Coke or Pepsi?
  • White jeans or dark wash jeans?
  • Heels or sneakers?
  • Open toed or closed shoes?
  • Real or fake flowers?
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What I ate Wednesday

I thought I’d participate in What I Ate Wednesday going around on the blogs that I’ve been reading lately. I woke up extra early because I had a special treat delivered to me at work yesterday; a lunch bag full of Chobani! Yum! Thanks Emily.

The past few weeks I’ve been waking up an hour earlier than usual. I like having the extra time to sit around and relax in the mornings. Especially when it comes to Alfie pup cuddles!Wednesday’s are the longer days at work, because we have to go into work a half hour earlier than usual. But this morning didn’t stop me from surprising my Boyfriend with a Big Breakfast in bed! 

I cooked all the hot stuff first, of course. Then I decided to make a greek yogurt parfait with the chobani. What flavor to pick though? Can you guess which one I went with?

I added strawberries on the bottom, strawberry chobani, and granola from the Blue Menu box from Zehrs. Soo good with yogurt. It’s one of my go-to breakfasts in the summer time. Nice and cool.

Those hashbrowns were cut up from real potatoes from our household. We ran out of them over the weekend and I decided to make my own. They were a little undercooked, whoops.Everything all finished and ready to bring into slumbering Scott. Can you believe I woke up at 6:15 am this morning to do that? I don’t think I’ve ever done this for someone. Maybe 2012 is my year for being a morning person. He must be a pretty special guy if you ask me.

My breakfast was smaller since I don’t like sausages, so I had my “big breakfast” with a banana.

Mid-morning I drank a … spot ‘o tea to warm up my insides.

Lunch time was super quick with back to my unhealthy regimen consisting of a frozen dinner and a barq’s root beer. Mmm mouth watering. Seriously though, I love this stuff. I had to go back to Sephora after being there yesterday to return my new Laura Mercier foundation. They re-formulated the moisturizing foundation and the colors are way off. When applied on the face it’s cakey, greasy and orange. Not the look I was going for. Laura Mercier replaced the moisturizing foundation with this moisture supreme orange foundation which got a million and one rants on the rating part of Sephora’s website. Now I’m back on the hunt for another Holy Grail foundation. Bummer.

Schhhnackin’s cause I’m a candy eater. I ate … a lot of these. Come to Canada and this is what our currency looks like. This is a loonie, or $1.00.

Supper â€” my most favorite meal of the entire day. I’m not a big breakfast person, more of a indulge in supper kinda gal. This is one of my by-far favorite meals I make. I actually got my brother to write his recipe down when I was in Newfoundland back in October, and now it’s staple in our household. Yum yum! Lemon pepper chicken stir fry.

So there you have it â€” a What I ate Wednesday blog post. Do you like these sort of posts? Want me to keep doing them? Hoo boy, this blog posts takes a lot of work taking photos and inserting them and talking about each and every food photo. It’s hard being a food blogger for a day!

I was supplied the chobani free of charge, but it was so tasty I couldn’t help blog about it. Did you know that you can cook with it too? Here are some recipes I found on their site.

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