Things I’m Loving // Two

Storage ideas for the home. I have a healthy obsession with baskets, boxes and anything else that help a room come together and get organized. The wire set of drawers I have, thanks to Jessica. We’ve put them in our spare bedroom for now, which holds all of The Guy’s athletic wear.Storage-Ideas-For-The-Home

Dotted Baskets // Rose Gold Crate // Glass Jars // Jute Basket // Wire Baskets

Daiso is a great spot for getting things organized. I bought a lot of clear baskets for under the counters in the bathroom and kitchen. I ended up getting some cute clear pencil cases from there too. Love that store, seeing how everything is just $1.50.organized desk

How do you stay organized?

See older things I’m loving:

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Hope I don’t kill it

Being an artistic creative person, working in the arts and graphic design my whole life — you’d think I’d be alright in keeping plants alive and nurtured too, right? Well. I’m not. I’ve killed every plant I have ever owned. So I decided to stop letting things die in my hands and give myself a few years break, and start looking after a dog instead.

Pom, Pomeranian, #Pom, #Pomeranian, #DogsOfInstagram, Alfie the PomThis smiling squirt’s name is Alfie, in case you didn’t know. He’s almost 5, and definitely not dead. Jeeze you guys this is getting morbid. So now that The Guy and I have kept Alfie fed and hydrated — I thought I’d take another shot at a plant. Like I can compare the two. See? Ridiculous.

Jessica invited me along to go to a smoothie place that just opened in Los Altos, I’ll talk about that at another time. Delicious by the way. After our drinks were in our tummies, we walked around down town a bit more and popped into The Botanist, where I purchased an air plant called a Tillandsia Andreana. Tillandsia-Andreana

I’ll never remember that, it was written on my receipt — I don’t even know how to pronounce it. Thankfully, it requires very little watering in fact — just a light misting every 7-10 days, and it doesn’t sit in soil. See? It’s a funny little thing.

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Things I’m Loving // One

We kind of have a mishmash of furniture. From a few items we brought down in the u-haul, buying white clean pieces at Ikea and then getting some free furniture from our friend’s father (who is moving house and going back to Canada). It’s hard to decorate that kind of stuff! Here is what an ideal design board would look like, if I had total control and endless amounts of money.

Things I’m Loving:


Zig Zag Towels // Pineapple Candle Holder // Garden Pots //Table Lamp // Butterfly Placemats // Triangle Pillow // Striped Pillow // Radial Pillow //  Glass Vase //  Anthropologie Rug //  Beige & Gold ottoman

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