SinfulColors Catch Spring Fever 2015

A day late getting up the Beauty Talk Tuesday post, but better late than never. I picked out 5 of the 24 spring SinfulColors nail polish that came out for Spring. Here are my honest opinions about them (even if I did get them for review).

SinfulColors-Energetic-RedEnergetic Red by SinfulColours was a basic red colour, not the most flattering of reds I’ve tried on, and not intense and vibrant as I would have hoped. Although I dig the shade of fiery orange red, I feel like it’s missing a bit more pizzaz if you will.

SinfulColors-ThimbleberryThimbleberry: I was surprised that I liked this shade of pink on my nails. I kept it on for a few days (after I re-painted them all after all the swatching I did for this post). It’s a nice colour for either the toes or fingers this spring. A nice cheery watermelon shade.

SinfulColors-Flight-To-SeeFlight To See: I’m definitely not a fan of this one, but I can appreciate it because I know so many people love an opalescent shimmer to their polishes. I would tell you to skip this one because it applied streaky and the nail polish was really liquidy, which was a bit weird. If I were to continue using this colour, I’d keep it on my toes and even then I’d rarely paint them this colour. Unfortunately this one is a flop for me.

SinfulColors-PetalBeTheDayPetal Be The Day: Super fun sparkly top coat! I’m pretty sure any sparkle polish with blue and purple flecks is bound to make me happy. At a $1.99 I’d definitely pick this one up. It doesn’t look pretty in the bottle, and looks murky, but applied on the nails it goes on clear with gorgeous sizes of glitter, and applies great.

SinfulColors-TempestTempest: A soft lavender. Another huge favourite of mine, probably because I am a spring baby! I love the creamy milky look this gives to the nail. Again, totally would buy this one given the awesome price, and requires just two coats of polish to achieve an opaque shiny look.

SinfulColors are $1.99/each and is available for Spring 2015 at Walgreens and other mass retailers. Follow SinfulColors on Twitter & Facebook.

Disclaimer: The nail polishes were sent to me by the PR team. Opinions are my own, I’d like to keep it that way, since I like tellin’ ya how it is.

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  1. I know you said the Flight to See isn’t your favorite, but I really love that one! I’m more of a purple girl than a red, though. I love the Lavender color as well. Of course, all this is moot because I bite my nails to nothing. :( Still, I collect lovely pictures of pretty nail colors in the hopes that they will one day inspire me to stop biting. Also, because I CAN paint my toenails at least!
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  2. Ahhhh nail polish!!! This is something I definitely do not need any more of, but yet can’t stop buying!!! I’m addicted lol…. These colors look pretty fabulous though! Living that purple for easter, and that glitter is pretty chic looking too :)

  3. Awesome review Nancy! I’m a nailpolish junkie and LOOOVE Thimbleberry and Tempest. The price point is pretty alright too :)

  4. How fun! I love using more whimsical colors for Spring because I am so excited that winter is on its way out. The light purple is great, and I also love the textured color. I just wish I had enough time to paint my nails…or at least go to the nail salon!

  5. Out of all the colors shown here, I like Thimbleberry the best. This is closest to the kinds of colors I normally wear. Tempest is also another pretty shade, and now that I think of it – I have never worn a shade of purple on my nails before.
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  6. Omg i loveee sinful colors!! Thimbelberry is def my fav! Soo pretty! I am obsessed with nail polish and my fav color by far is coral :)

  7. I have never heard of the SinfulColors brand before, but at prices like that, I need to check those out. I just recently started to build my collection of nail polishes, without my girls stealing them that is. Currently my favorite kids are the ones with lots of glitter in it and bright colors!
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