City girl (me) got a good taste of the country this Easter Weekend!
It’s not a road trip (solo) if I don’t get lost. That’s exactly what happened this Easter Weekend. It wasn’t bad, until I was in the city itself, then completely left it. lol. Drove right out of town and was like “Hmm, this isn’t (the city I’m supposed to be in) anymore!” You’ll get the deets later on.
I know I blogged a huge enormous amount over the weekend but they were scheduled posts.
I want to take a day or two off from blogging just to get my mind straight and to sort through all of the photos I took over the weekend.
I drove up North to my relatives place. My first cousin now lives on a farm, filled with all sorts of animals. This blog post is just going to be short and sweet and I’ll tell you all about the wonderful time I had up there, later on in the week. I’m thinking Tuesday ;)
Until then. Here is a hilarious photo of Jenny the Donkey.And a Jersey cow (who was super shy/afraid of me lol)
Alright so check back in a few days and I’ll have some funny stories to tell you.
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