Cozy fireside outfit

cozy-fireside-outfitAll I want is to be warm. That’s not much to ask, ha!

My ideal night in would be curling up with a hot drink and cozying up to my husband with all the blankets layered on top of me. He emits quite a bit of heat, so perhaps I don’t need that many blankets.

Because I don’t have a full-time job right now, I often don’t put much effort into my outfits anymore. I remember that I used to pick out my entire weeks outfits on Sunday nights. Shoes, socks, undies, and bras included. Now I occasionally wear the same outfit two days in a row, because no one saw me. Hahaha, man what happened to me. Hey, I miss doing OOTDs on the blog. I think I’ve said that every time I post one, though too.

Let’s get to a cozy fireside outfit.walking

Jacket| Uniqlo ultra light down
Sweater| Fera Annabelle Sweater
Pants| Fera Jessica Legging
Boots| Target Riding Boots
Purse| Asos


Sipping on a hot vanilla latte, a perfect slope to street warming up in cooler weather in Fera.Sightglass-coffee


Disclaimer: Please don’t feel overwhelmed and think that I expect you guys to make purchases when I feature brands and link them (no affiliate links this time), I understand that consumerism is at an all time high and many people (including myself) feel like everyone and everything is posting about what you should buy, what you need next, etc. This is a fun post in collaboration with a clothing brand that sent me some cute clothes that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. 

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OOTD: Coffee dates


Drinking-CoffeeEvery few weeks or so, a couple of us local Bay Area Bloggers get together for coffee.

hot-coffeeVero’s Coffee was the spot where the four of us met up this time. We explored downtown San Jose together, snapping OOTD pictures too.

holding-pursesI can’t wait for the next one! It was a fun afternoon filled with tons of laughter, and public changing of outfits.


ootd-whiteI have been living in these sneakers since I first got them at the end of August (thanks to Brooks!)

looking-downWhat I’m wearing: White Sierra Wooly Bully Jacket, Zara jeans, Ray Ban sunnies, and Brooks Chariot Heritage sneakers.



blue-wallI wasn’t exactly sure how to pose for OOTD shots since I usually have only 2 or 3 to choose from when I do them myself with a self-timer. But I had a mini-lesson on how to pose my body and angle it for the camera. Thanks for all the tips Elisabeth! :)


Thanks for reading! Hope you like the OOTD photos :)

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OOTD: Black on black on black

ootd-HEADERI love doing outfit of the day type of posts, and it looks like you guys are huge fans of them to. Any time I do them, my blog blows up.

reachGuess that means I should do more?



laughingWhat I’m wearing: White Sierra targhee insulated jacket, Zara jeans,Canada Home T, ASOS purse, Ray Ban sunnies, and Target sneakers.

black-on-blackWell here ya have it. Black on black on black, outfit of the day in downtown San Jose.



Stylish-in-blackLooks like I’m all suited up for winter, doesn’t it? Well, technically I am pretty set when it comes to winter gear, thanks to White Sierra for supplying my husband and I with a few new outer layers. I wore this one day when it was cool enough. It hasn’t been cool enough to wear it since. One day last week was 36*C you guys! That’s hotter than heck. I stayed inside and cranked the A/C. Now, cool down again please, so I can wear this stylin’ jacket.

Black-on-BlackI guess you can’t really see that the jacket is long enough to cover my bum. Which is nice. Most jackets like these just go to the belt-line and then a gust of wind will go up your back, giving you a chill. Not that you’d really get chilled in California. But if I were to wear this back home in Canada? Oh ya.


Don’t be fooled, I’m still my regular awkward self. Proof is in the bloopers:awkward-2



And there ya have it, another OOTD in the books. Should I make this a weekly thing?

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