My CrossFit Journal (Year 2 Week 30)

I went to CrossFit once last week. But climbed (bouldered) twice, which was a nice change.

[older crossfit journal entries]


year 2, week 30, day 1

Behind Neck Split Jerk

12 KBS; 24/16kg
200m Run

I ended up using these weights for the behind neck split jerk: 55-60-65-70-75lbs. My neck is definitely sore from cushioning the weight but still slamming it down occasionally. Oof sore.

Then it was time to do the AMRAP 15. I didn’t do the handstand pushups, but did a modified on with my toes on a 24″ box and my butt up in the air. I completed 5 full rounds in the 15min time limit.


I‘m finally starting to climb more than an hour now. It’s funny because I have callouses on my palms from CrossFit, but I need them on my fingers for climbing — so getting them back was a bit difficult and my hands were sore the first few times I climbed this month. Still sticking to bouldering as I haven’t really seen any of my buddies (I go at odd times — like on my lunch break or directly after work).

I have another blog post coming up this morning which is more beauty related. So if you’re interested in that, check back in about a half hour :)

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